Trapper Mugo



2 years, 1 month ago


Trapper Mugo

Species: moth

Design based on (kind of): Brindled green moth

Birthed at Highgrove but moved to Hallownest when fairly young, Mugo started taking interest in critters that lived there. Some time as a teen, he met the Hunter and the two talked about the journal. Mugo gave the hunters journal a try but quickly realized he has no thrill in killing the critters he encounters. Instead, he wanted to study them eventually started making traps and such to capture them instead, finding the cunning of the hunt to be more interesting than killing. Likewise, he liked exploring the flora and fauna of Hallownest. It use to be a lot more exciting before it all got infected…

As a young adult, Mugo found himself at the Colosseum of Fools during one of his travels. There, he met his future boss, Boss, a mechanic that works on the stage setup during the battles. She recognized his skills and understanding of critters so she hired him to capture and bring them for the coli fights She also build and provided mechanics for the traps needed. It was a learning experience but Mugo eventually grew to enjoy his job.

During one of the busy days at the Colosseum, he learned it was visited by the group of nobles called Magnolia family who stayed at the City of Tears at the time. He was curious about them as they come from the same kingdom where he use to live but has barely any memories of. Alyssum, a butterfly from the family, noticed him and the two started chatting when other nobles weren’t around. The two were completely different worlds so they just clicked in the conversations. Mugo was head over heals in love with Alyssum and she warmed up to him as well during the Magnolia family’s long stay at the city.

The two dated, meeting mostly at night and deep within the city on their own, just being in love. As the time went by, Alyssum started to try convince Mugo to come with her, become part of the Magnolia rule and family and live as a noble by her side at Highgrove. However, over time of the two dating, Mugo learned the family was rotten business and trouble so he kept refusing her offer, countering it with his that she should stay with him instead. Alyssum also refused, losing her patience, demanding for him to join her side, showing that she had no intentions in losing her status in a ruling family of another kingdom, claiming that her wishes should be final. This hurt Mugo but made it clear they will stick to their own viewpoints that gave more strains on their relationship that slowly started to fall apart.

Argument after the other, the two broke up on bad terms in a fight, Alyssum scaring his face with her magic as he tried to escape from her possessive act. Heartbroken and injured, Mugo retreated to lake of Unn for some time to be alone. They haven’t heard from one another in quite some time after that until Alyssum sent him a letter to meet her at the Crossroads as one last attempt of “mending” the relationship. Mugo never showed up. As things became hectic within Hallownest, Alyssum eventually left and Mugo hasn’t seen her since and many years passed…

Mugo fully focused on his hunting business, changing tactics, trapping and alike as things within the kingdom changed as well, filling his journal and notes with useful info about every beast and critter, their tricks, weaknesses and strengths and how to deal with them. He worked alone and did everything as a lone wolf unless the task requested a group work.

After meeting Rham and Yonna on the way back to Colosseum one day, he learned he missed companionship and friends, growing rather close to both, feeling welcome and happy for the first time in a long while.


+: Adaptable, intuitive, strong willed, helpful
-: Withdrawn, vengeful, clings to the past, somewhat harsh
n: cunning, fair, righteous 



  • Sweet root: A root equivalent of a sweet snack or an energy drink, depending on how much you eat it. It’s not very favorable but it’s VERY juicy and sweet! It’s like sugared water. Mugo LOVES these. Often replaces them for actual food which isn’t healthy.
  • Lifeblood gel: Made out of herbal roots, hot spring water and lifeblood seeds. It’s for external use ONLY and heals wounds faster~ Can’t mend any internal injuries though. Too much application might worsen the healing, especially if wounds aren’t properly cleaned first.
  • Spare Lifeblood seeds (for now): Because who doesn’t want to have the marks of the heretics around, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Known to drive regular bugs a little… ditsy or delusional if eaten raw. Good for internal injuries but one won’t be able to get back to their feet easy for few hours.
  • Sleeping Pollen: Collected from a specific plant, causes drowsiness or sleep when eaten or inhaled. Too much of it can knock out a person for hours.
  • Numbroot: Extremely bitter but nothing subdues pain like few bites from it. Internal use only. Too many bites lead to full numbness for couple of hours. Some factions of other kingdoms use the extracted liquid from it for assassinations. Mugo takes bites of it to kill off his back pains…
  • Stinger ivy extract: A potion of a sort, made by the shamans. He isn’t sure what’s mixed in them but it helps recover from electric shocks and stings. Has one spare bottle just in case, as he avoid any charged lumaflies if he can. Didn’t seem to use it in recent shocking events but decided to walk it off instead…
  • Fog mushroom: A specific type of fungi that lets out a lot of smoke when placed near fire. It’s like a fungi fog machine if thrown in fire, easily covering a lot of space in thick, funky smelling fog. Mugo uses it for hunting belflies who rely on the sight. (he can see their glow but they can’t see him coming for them with the traps~)
  • Ember seeds: Plant seeds that pop and crack loudly when near heat or in fire. Good for scaring off large critters away or in specific directions (like where traps are set~)
  • Odor bomb: Kept in the palm sized round chestnut like shell, it’s a mix of collected, specific droppings that have a strong scent. To some critters, it’s a sign to get out of there and to some, it’s a wonderful bait to come close to…
  • Hive nectar: EXTREMELY RARE, a gift from someone, owns just a small pill size with him. It speeds up recovery and healing of any sort, even from the illnesses but only for less than a day which is often enough to pull someone out of a critical state. Carries it and keeps it with him at all times for most alert emergency.


  • Traps, nets and gadgets (only during hunting): Depending on the errand at the time, the types and sizes of them vary and he carries only essential ones for the job.
  • Two large nails the same size and look: The nails are long with short handles. Uses to both fend himself and to agitate critters when necessary or activate traps from the distance. Uses one for shield and other for striking but isn’t a very good fighter, only super fast on reactions and saving his husk.
  • Emblem of White Magnolia: a necklace with a pedant that’s always around his neck, gifted by Alyssum. Unlike the original Magnolia family symbol that has pink hues over the flower petals, the white one represents Alyssum’s faction of the family. Always keeps it around his neck, hidden by Mugo’s thick mane. 
  • Forsaken Dagger: Carries Taka’s ashen essence, named purely out of troublesome events it caused to the group. Have yet to be examined. After paying Sly 2000 Geo for it, having it be stolen minutes after, taken to the dream realm to cause problems to Taka and then taken back only to end up in Mugo’s hands again, he’s not too trilled to have it but has to.
Recent events TBA