


2 years, 1 month ago


Keige (formerly), Chis, The Lady of Ruin
Female (she/her)
4 years, 3 months (starting: 4y 3m)
Soul Class
Soul Shade
Soul Partner
Soul Balance
Last Updated


Chisti has already made her mind up about the world. Born as Keige to parents that did not want her, she adopted the humble name Chisti when she and her sister Forgon were sold into servitude, burdening her sister with the very same name. Its meaning? 'These ones'. It addressed their bodies, but not their souls. Chisti made many lives hell in her new city colony, finding pleasure in the scramble for strength in her position of weakness, and when Chisti's sister started coughing embers, she scattered them to burn their prison down.

It was not until her liberation that Chisti finally apprehended her truth. Arriving with her sister at what they thought to be a rot convalesence colony called Ruin, she soon became infatuated with its strange leader Comfort and his theories of succession - of the strong devouring the strong to create greater strength, enough to change the world. Just as she always thought, Chisti had to pursue the strength of a predator if she wished to avoid becoming prey.

And so it was inevitable that Comfort die happy in her loving arms, grateful to be part of the great chain of succession. Chisti now rises to take his place as the Lady of Ruin. But even she is waiting for the day someone's strength supplants even hers.

Stats + Powers

Charisma 8

Strength 0

Constitution 3

Intellect 5

Dexterity 2

Wisdom 7


More will be added here when Chisti's soul class is known.


More will be added here when Chisti's soul class is known.


More will be added here when Chisti's soul class is known.


More will be added here when Chisti's soul class and starting level are known.


Height 10 in.

Weight 8 lbs.

Eyes Mismatched grey-copper

Fur Color White

Markings None

Fur Type Short and well-kept

Build Lithe


  • Ears have a pronounced droop.
  • Tends to always have at least a subtle smile.
  • Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.
  • In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Chisti is solid white, though genetically a gray tabby. Her coat appears closer to cream due to the mark of dirt and dust over her years, as very rarely has she had the chance to clean it completely. She is a shorthair with a soft and fluffy coat, well-kept around her face but somewhat clumped with grime on her chest and hindquarters. Chisti's eyes are a dull gray colour, but she possesses sectoral heterochromia in her left eye that streaks the gray with a rich copper colour. She has a round eye shape, with her pupils often being small and contracted thanks to her years in the sun.

Despite her very well put together appearance, Chisti's build is in itself not particularly imposing. Thin in frame with sinewy muscles and a bit more fat distributed to her hind legs than the rest of her body, she has an overall sleek silhouette though appears somewhat infirm. Her body language does a lot to mask her weak build, her pure confidence and gracile personality leading many to believe she is more physically powerful than she is.

Chisti has little in the way of impairments, though she is confident that no sickness or injury would be strong enough to stop her from succeeding in this world. She has never displayed any symptoms of rot or other serious disease. In fact, the only sign of injury that mars her pure form is a nick in her ear, the last contact she felt from her sister - the other Chisti - before she was exiled to the Burning Waste.


Confident • Convicted • Charismatic • Driven • Devoted • Adaptable • Resourceful • Discerning • Brutal • Manipulative • Dishonest

There is a reason Chisti stands where she stands today. A life under the yoke has fashioned the Lady of Ruin into a cat of utterly unwavering beliefs, and one in possession of the willpower to manifest those beliefs through action. Believing wholeheartedly in the power of hidden strength, she has fashioned her world-weariness into an arsenal of confidence so unbreakable it masks the venomous guile beneath. Chisti may well believe strength lies in every cat - after all, she does not subjugate the weak and infirm as her predecessor did - but simultaneously possesses no qualms as to what she has to do to bring out that strength. And she expects you to be grateful, for isn't she benevolent to raise you so, that you might one day succeed her?

To be a successionist is to dance the delicate balance between owning your strength and seeking its successor, and Chisti steps it with grace. Far from being a passive soul awaiting her personal eclipse, she takes an almost vigilant approach to maintaining her position, spinning a cage of words and prospect and the future - in lieu of Comfort's rather heavy-handed persuasion - to keep everyone moving at her tempo... all the while remaining unflappable in the face of any challenge. Return to weakness and it's all over, after all, and that doesn't prove a thing to anyone. The sun will blot once more when Chisti, Lady of Ruin meets her end.

Sharp-tongued and obsfuscative, she peels back the layers of falsehood that ensconce the world in the same breath she charges her own words with misdirection and doublespeak. Everything she does and says to another is a challenge to see the truth in the lies she crafts, to tune out the noise the world throws about and see the pure, beautiful truth. This is because she believes in your strength, your potential, just as much as she does her own. And isn't that what everyone wants to hear?



Only the strong can make it to the top and stay there. Though she may pale in a full-on fight, her mind is blade-sharp, and no cat has ever been able to truly outfox the Lady of Ruin.


Chisti has experience with feeding wild beasts to gain their trust. She knows they will never be truly tame, but she still holds a particular sway with small-bodied predators.


Keeping your position as the brightest star in the sky means you have to be ready for anything. Chisti is not easily peturbed by sudden developments, otherworldly or otherwise.



Strength is a beast the Lady serves. Though she will never make it easy, she is eager to create her own successor - a strength great enough to topple her own. Chisti essentially awaits her death with fervor.


Chisti is prone to devotion, and is easily charmed by those with greater strength than her. Though she is almost patently unable to be manipulated, this still means she is quick to see love where there is none.


Hidden behind highly convincing layers of hyperconfidence, Chisti is severely physically weak, partly due to genetics and partly due to a childhood of malnutrition.




Chisti was born out in the dustbowl, the last holdout for life before the Burning Waste. Her birth name was Keige, a name drawing attention to the yoke she represented as part of an unplanned litter to scornful and negligent parents, while her sister was named Forgon, a reminder of their parents' eagerness to be rid of them... something which occured early in their lives when they were sold off to city rogues. Angry and afraid but unable to escape her fate, young Keige adopted the name the strangers spoke to her - chisti, meaning 'these ones' - as her and her sister's new name.

Taken to a run-down fenced city called the Cage, Chisti and her sister, soon nicknamed Chisti Gray, were set to work. Forced to hunt and haul while only given enough rations to stay alive, the months passed in a blur of weariness and, for Chisti, rebellious contempt that left her sore and unpopular. That is, until the day she watched a snake kill its would-be predator and realized strength wasn't a static hierarchy, but in fact a ladder. She learned to become the snake in the grass - a silent but incredibly real strength.

Her sister soon began to show symptoms of rot, at first mistaken for a dust cough before embers began to fly with each racking wheeze. In sickness, Chisti Gray sought a place of convalescence called Ruin, an acceptance of weakness that altered Chisti's faith in her sister for good. One day, Chisti gathered the embers her sister coughed up and scattered them around her home, watching the dry building torch under the sun. In the chaos, they made their escape, spending many months chasing the legend of Ruin until they finally arrived.

While a healthy Chisti was nearly turned away by Ruin's enigmatic leader Comfort, Chisti Gray fought for her sister to stay, and she became a handmaiden. Comfort eventually asked her to withhold treatments from a healthy cat, making her understand that Comfort himself was trying to forge greater strength through element rot's weaknesses. She began to fall in love with him, all the while beginning to feed the wild cobras he used as a deterrent from escape. When a convalescent was found dead one day with their head encased in ice and their body being devoured by the wild snakes, Chisti Gray confronted her, finally suspicious enough of her sister's descent into strength-worship to take action.

But while Chisti's sister has put together some of Chisti's actions, what she didn't anticipate was the way in which Chisti had calculated the day's events in order to fully implicate her sister in the death. When Chisti Gray went to tell Comfort about her sister, she was instead sentenced to exile, sent out into the Burning Waste to die. Comfort, however, knew every step of Chisti's dance, and had simply been dancing along, and Chisti would not survive her failure. But while Chisti Gray knew her sister's fascination with snakes well, Comfort did not, so when Chisti batted the white cobra she called Prevail in the air towards him, he did not see it coming... no less because of the eclipse that had blotted out the brightest star in the sky. Having at last been outfoxed by greater strength, Comfort died happy in his successor's arms, and she took his place as the Lady of Ruin.

Chisti instilled a fairer rule in his stead, but one still governed by the principles of strength and succession. The day she left Ruin behind in pursuit of the power promised by the 'savior', she was pursued by Yeliseva, one of her most promising young acolytes. But when their journey proved fruitless, the frustrated youth made a botched attempt on Chisti's life and sent them both hurtling off a cliff. The pair awoke in a laboratory, apprehended by humans studying the rot, and have been there ever since. From one cage to another, Chisti watches the metal world with great scrutiny, seeing the route to power more clearly with every day.

Relations Overview


Chisti Gray


Chisti's sister, formerly known as Forgon, now cast out of Ruin to die in the Burning Waste. When they were young, the two were fiercely united in their shared misfortune, though the pair quickly realised how much their ideals differed. Chisti wishes she still had faith in her sister's ability to prevail.



leader & lover

An intuitive but brutal cat in his midyears, Comfort ruled the convalesence colony with an iron claw disguised as instructive firmness. Despite intilling a much fairer rule in his stead, Chisti loved him deeply in her own twisted way, and sees the white cobra Prevail as a product of their union.




Yelisa is a young intake into Ruin who suffers with poison rot. Only a child when Comfort died, she has matured under Chisti's leadership - according to her Lady's plans. Insightful and witty, but possessing a fatal blind spot when it comes to seeing through Chisti's propaganda, she is quickly becoming a budding successionist.




Relationship Tracker

This will contain a link to an IC relationship tracker, specifically for player characters. This will be added if Chisti is accepted into the group.

NPC Document

This will contain a link to a detailed list of NPCs from Chisti's history and their roles in her life, and will also contain some notes on GM exclusions. To be added soon.

Writing Sample

This contains a link to a document of writing samples. The sample contained at the top of the doc will be the most relevant one.