June (Natsuko Hisashi)



2 years, 1 month ago


June (Natsuko Hisashi)






Closeted Homosexual


Demon (Shapeshifter Variant); Japanese


Prideful · Stubborn · Competitive · Domineering · Empathic · Spiteful


Nastuko lives in a city called “Anima Maris”. It’s a city that is right by the ocean.

His family, The Hisashi's, live in a giant mansion and basically run the city. They appear as “angelic” beings. Each of them has a humanistic form and a set of wings. The family is known to be attractive, powerful, and charming. But in reality, they are actually a variant of demons who can shapeshift extremely well. They don’t want their people to find out about their true form. To prevent their reveal, Haru Hisashi, (June’s mother) hid away her children until they were old enough to be able to shapeshift to her ideal image. To assure that they keep up with their appearance, Haru would heavily abuse her children until they were all obedient. Those who accidentally reveal their demon forms in public were immediately taken care of. Never to be seen again. Natsuko and Miyuki (his sister) manage to understand fairly quickly that they must stay like this in order to survive. Natsuko never really had a normal childhood because of this and overall became hyper-focused on the idea of survival.

Why hide their demon forms in the first place? It is because they wanted to gain complete control of Anima Maris for their own personal gain. The Hisashi has a belief that becoming the strongest is the ideal they strive for. To prove themselves the family host this annual twisted game. Labeled as the “Hisashi Games” the concept is to scout out people who wouldn’t be missed and can put up a fight. They take these contenders and pin them against a Hisashi member. All the participants have to do is survive being hunted down by a Hisashi member. The youngest hunter can start at the age of thirteen. When told about the games Natsuko spent the rest of his childhood training for them. Even though it is basically rare for a Hisashi hunter to lose, the fatality rate is much higher the younger a participant is. This game is kept completely under wraps and if a contender that was being hunted somehow wins they are treated to a life of luxury.The game was held in an entirely different location. Unknown to most, isolated when not in use but this area where they held the game is this lively forest.

Natsuko and Miyuki gain independence by making the decision to leave their past lives behind them. They manage to escape Anima Maris and begin their journey to their new way of living. Natsuko Hisashi decides to revoke his past name and go by June. To assure there was no way his family would track them they decided to also transform back into their demon form. However, Miyuki didn’t take it too seriously because she didn’t end up changing her name at all! Which earned many earful lectures from June. Starting a new life wasn’t easy but they made sure to take plenty of stuff from their household before they left. One of the more important things is money. Which they robbed a bunch of. As they travel to different locations they take a lot of odd jobs together. They would range from working at a market, bounty hunting (returning the target alive), or fishing. One city stood out to both of them and that happen to be the city of Aeolia

June and Miyuki decided not to walk into this city blindly. In fact, June took his time doing an entire history check about this city in one of the local libraries. They made a collective decision to settle living in this city and reached out to be accepted into one of the houses. June decided to become a soldier, not for any noble cause, he just really likes fighting. Upon taking the exam, he was able to get through it just fine. The training that Christine Haiver had him go through all felt pretty familiar to him. It was just like the grueling training he had back at home. Even when he was traveling he didn’t really stop training. He kept it up to keep his physic and to keep strong. Christine (The captain he was working under) had him go through various exercises and some fighting matches. He ended up aceing anything that had to do with fighting.



  • Fucking loves bread. And oddly always have some on him at all times.
  • Loves animals. Is the nicest when around cute pets
  • Got his nickname from his sister
  • His favorite genre of books is a slice of life/fluffy romance. (It makes him feel nice)


bread, animals, baseball, looking nice,


being wrong, losing, swimming/anything with water,


Natsuko’s older sister and the reason why he managed to last as long as he did. She helps him stay in his “angelic” form as a child by simply putting the idea that it is all just pretend. That he is playing a part and pretending to be someone else for a while. With that ideology in mind, he managed to keep his sanity and composure growing up in the Hisashi household. He was comfortable being himself around her and when they were together is where he felt the most tranquil. After that, both had to participate in their family’s sick game multiple times. They both decided that they were officially going to run away together when they got a bit older. (More detail in Q3) As their escape was successful their bond grew even stronger. Traveling until they are able to find a place they could comfortably live together. Miyuki is one of the most important people in his life.

Natsuko’s childhood friend. They met through family business means. Since the Hisashis wanted as many connections as they could muster. Amami’s family happens to be one of them. Initially, Natsuko had a dislike towards Amami and actually found his mere presence to be annoying. Amami had a carefree attitude about him that Natsuko didn’t quite understand. Since Amami was from a powerful family such as Natsu himself. Eventually, as more of these meetings were set up, Natsuko had grown a liking for Amami. So they started to become friends. Not in the wholesome as anyone would expect. A lot of their interactions were full of insults, and playful banter, and when they were out of their parent’s sight they would basically wrestle one another. But as they got older and their parents started to take control of their lives they started to grow distant. In a sense, they did really want to try helping one another but did not know how.

One of Natsuko’s exes, but generally ended up mattering to him decently. They met when Masuyo wanted an interview with Natsuko. He manages to humor her and give the general false information he grew up with. But he ended up taking a genuine liking to her. It must be something about her personality. He found her to be endearing. For a while, they dated in secret which ended up being the downfall of their relationship. Since Natsuko hardly ever opened up or told her what was going on in his life. After a while of not talking to one another Masuyo reaches out again after encountering a rough-up Natsuko. They manage to form a nice friendship before Natsu leaves. He manages to leave her a note explaining his situation and asking her to check up on his siblings.