


2 years, 28 days ago



Name : Chamomilebloom
PREFIX -- Named after the flower for the litter theme
SUFFIX -- Named for her gentle nature
Past names : Chamomilekit, Chamomilepaw
Nicknames : Cham
Age : 19 Moons
Gender : Molly
Pronouns : She/Her
Sex : Female
Sexuality : Pansexual
Rank : Warrior
Past Ranks : Kit, Apprentice
Clan : EmberClan
Past Clans : N/A
Mentor : Newtspring
Apprentice :
Current Apprentice : Sludgepaw
Past Apprentices : content

Short description : Dilute calico she-cat with heterochromia and folded ears.
Breeds : Moggy

Build : Light
Fur description : Soft, slightly curly

Height : 21 cm
Weight : 7.0 lbs

Scent : Chamomile and moss

Scars : content
Accessories : Flower Crown (complex)
Banned traits : content

good . neutral . bad
Positive :
Peaceful : Chamomile hates fighting. Don't get her wrong; she will, if it comes down to it, fight to defend her littermates and clan. But she prefers to talk her way out, and is known to be quite soft, especially when someone is upset and needs comfort. You can always count on her to listen without being mad.
Optimistic : Always looking to the bright side of things, Chamomile is somewhat cheery, despite all her clan has been going through lately. She's quick to comfort her friends and family if something has happened, assure them that if this is the worst things can get, it has to improve. Nowhere to go but up, she always says.
Gentle : Unless necessary, she wouldn't hurt a fly. Especially when it comes to other cats, Chamomile prides herself in being sweet and gentle, always looking out for others. She will always stay close to her family if they need her, no matter the situation. No matter who you are or what you've done, she will care for you.

Neutral :
Familial : She cares very deeply about her family. Despite begging him not to go, she stuck close to Clover's side after his accident, refusing to leave for any reason. She treats her clanmates like family, and this loyalty can even be to a fault, sometimes.
Noncompetitive : Chamomile doesn't push herself too hard, especially in comparison to others. She believes everyone goes at their own speed, and there's no point in trying to prove yourself to be better. This can get her into trouble, as sometimes it can appear as if she isn't interested in trying, when in reality she just doesn't see the point in competing when the clan is meant to work and live together, helping eachother.
Religious : Chamomile believes very strongly in StarClan. She leans a bit too hard into this sometimes, assuring herself and others that they must have a reason for allowing the clans to go through what they are, even when there is no explanation to be found in the sky. It's a comfort, the idea of fate, but she's known to use it to explain away things she doesn't like the real answer to.

Negative :
Complaisant : She's known to value the happiness of others over her own. Chamomile may accidentally neglect herself in order to help others feel better, and is occasionally eager to please her clanmates, especially friends. She isn't a pushover, but she likes to make cats happy.
Delicate : It's not terribly hard to hurt her, if you know what to say. She cares very, very deeply about the things she loves, and if you strike a nerve, she's quick to shut down, preferring to go quiet instead of defending herself. Usually, when things devolve into argument, she can appear shy, preferring to avoid conflict instead of feeding it.
Passive : Chamomile doesn't like to take direct action. She prefers to keep the peace, not start fights. She'll fight back if absolutely needed, of course, especially if it's to defend her clan, but she's a bit of a pacifist, and prefers to find a peaceful solution if she can. This can make her seem weak, especially in arguments.
  • Cool Nights
  • Swimming
  • content
  • Arguments
  • Her siblings getting hurt
  • content
Fears : Donec consequat massa sit amet urna laoreet imperdiet.
Habits : Praesent eleifend non nibh id gravida.
  • Despite the flood, she still likes water
  • Vestibulum id enim non est accumsan blandit vel id nunc.
  • Donec pulvinar mauris nec nunc finibus, sit amet posuere nibh consectetur.

Agility [ 8/10 ]
Stealth [ 7/10 ]
Speed [ 6/10 ]
Strength [ 4/10 ]
Endurance [ 4/10 ]
Climbing [ 6/10 ]
Swimming [ 5/10 ]

Sight [ 5/10 ]
Scent [ 5/10 ]
Hearing [ 5/10 ]
Taste [ 5/10 ]
Touch [ 5/10 ]

Den building [ 7/10 ]
Battle [ 6/10 ]
Hunting [ 8/10 ]
Kitting [ 0/10 ]
Herbal [ 0/10 ]
Sign [ 6/10 ]

Mother : Foxglovethorn : A trans gray marbled tabby she-cat with a bobbed tail and lilac eyes [Deceased]
Mother : Lichenmask : A calico she-cat with folded ears and amber eyes [Deceased]

Siblings :
Clovermist : White tom with tabby splotches, a bobbed tail and a scarred left eye.
Coralnose : Red classic tabby tom with white spotting and bright amber eyes.
Olivebranch : Gray and red tortie she-cat with a bobbed tail and dark amber eyes.

Mate : Phasellus rutrum elit nunc, eu hendrerit metus scelerisque mollis.
Kits : Integer et nisi id neque consectetur pellentesque

Extended :
Aliquam malesuada diam sit amet risus bibendum, at blandit nibh aliquam.


Mate : content
Previous mates : content
Romantic interests : content
Looking for : Long Term, Flings

Likes in a potential mate :

Disikes in a potential mate :
Too reckless
Needlessly rude

Interested in kits : Yes
Preferred family size : Medium


Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] :In the beginning, everything was wonderful. Chamomilekit and her siblings were born to a Lichenmask and Foxglovethorn in EmberClan, and were adored by their mothers. Everything was peaceful in their cave home, for a few moons.

Until one day, when Coralkit had the idea to sneak out of camp, quietly where none of the older cats could hear. He had suggested it to his littermates, and Chamomilekit was adamantly against it. It was dangerous out there, wasn’t it? They could get hurt, or worse!

But when Cloverkit agreed to the plan, there was nothing Chamomilekit could do to keep them from going. So she whined, but watched them go, sticking close to Olivekit. She worried over them, every moment until they came back. And when they came back, it wasn’t good.

She didn’t know what happened, but Cloverkit was hurt, and Coralkit was shaken up, yelling something about a fox. Chamomilekit only saw the fox for a moment, eyes wide, before it was chased off by the clan’s warriors. Cloverkit had to be rushed to the medicine den, and Chamomilekit ran after, desperate to know that her brother was going to be okay.

During Cloverkit’s recovery, she refused to leave his side, wanting to keep him company. She stayed curled up by his side, at the very least comforting him, until he was allowed back out, one eye bandaged with mossy cobwebs.

In the nursery again, Chamomilekit stayed close to her brothers, worried about both of them. Her mothers grew extremely protective, but honestly, she didn’t mind all that much. She liked the sense of safety it gave, even if Coralkit made it clear that he didn’t. The family was tense, after everything that happened.

And then the camp flooded.

That night was pure chaos, panic and rising water from the stream that she had never seen before. Coralkit took the lead, and she let him, sticking close to her siblings as the older cats herded them out of camp before any of the others. She was amazed at how brave he could be despite everything, and stayed close to him, grateful that he was willing to take the lead like that.

When they were finally safe, Chamomilekit panicked; where were their mothers? She hadn’t seen them - no one had. They weren’t in the group of survivors, and the camp was fully underwater. They were gone. She drifted closer to her siblings, heartache making her paws tremble as they padded towards the twoleg cabin that would be the clan’s temporary shelter.

She relied on Coralkit to be the leader of their litter, and refused to leave the side of her siblings. It was here that she swore to keep their spirits up, be the optimist they sorely needed. She did everything she could, letting Coralkit be their protector while she cheered them up, trying to help her siblings and denmates see the brighter side of things.

Eventually, the water level went down enough to return for camp, and Chamomilekit was....lukewarm about it. She missed her parents dearly, but the litter’s apprentice ceremony was quickly approaching. It hurt, knowing they wouldn’t get to see.

A few days before they were to be apprenticed, an earthquake struck - rocks were falling on them from above, and Chamomilekit bit down her panic, instead focusing on working together with Coralkit to keep her siblings safe. She would not lose them, too.

They survived the earthquake, with losses all throughout the clan, and though her heart was still racing, the ceremony could not wait any longer. It was time for her to become an apprentice.

Apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] :Chamomilepaw was apprenticed to Newtspring, while one of her brothers, Cloverpaw, was apprenticed to her mentor's mate, Thrushbriar. Due to this, the two siblings found themselves in joint training often, something she didn't mind; even liked. She loved the opportunity to train alongside at least one of her siblings.

Not long after the litter was apprenticed, a patrol went out to investigate the Bathing Boulders. Her brother, Coralpaw, was among them, though she chose to remain home. This proved to be a smart decision on her part....and less so, for her brother. Coralpaw and the rest of the patrol were attacked by bees, most injured and some not making it at all.

Chamomilepaw spent days fussing over her brother, and in the process befriended Foxpaw, another cat who was trapped in the medicine den for injuries sustained in the earthquake. He gave her comforting words, sorely needed while she worried over her littermate, and she appreciated it.

The next moon, the festival was upon the clans, and Chamomilepaw decided to try and participate in a couple of the contests. Despite trying her best, she did miserably in the swimming competition, coming out of the water soaked and miserable. Though Thrushbriar tried to soothe her concerns, promising to focus on swimming during the next joint training session, she still felt her heart sting with embarassment.

Later, she went to go take part in the tracking contest, and thankfully she found her confidence in being able to track other cats. She always took pride in her hunting and tracking abilities, especially over the moon of training she had. Though she didn't win, she did find someone, and that lifted her spirits, remembering there were some things she was good at.

Chamomilepaw spent the next few moons practicing her hunting whenever she could, enjoying practicing tracking most of all. She volunteered for as many hunting patrols as she could, while sticking close to the other apprentices in the den. She even managed to talk about hunting techniques with Windypaw, enjoying spending time around the silver cat.

And then the quest cats came back.

They were hurt, bad, rushed off to the medicine den for treatment after some hurried naming ceremonies. Chamomilepaw was immediately worried for them, not knowing what had happened. She knew they'd brought some strangers with them, knew something bad had happened, but she didn't know the details. It worried her. What was going to happen?

The rest of her apprenticeship passed by in a blur, and the next thing she knew, she was being named a warrior. All her training had paid off, and maybe, just maybe, she could help keep her clan safe.

Warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] :As the naming ceremony came and went, Chamomilebloom did her best to adjust to her new name, new den. It felt like everything was so confusing, but she had her siblings, and her denmates. She'd figure it out, she had to. At the very least, she knew, the future had the potential to be bright, and she would do her best to make things better, with her littermates and clan by her side.

code by jiko | warrior cats belongs to erin hunter