Beetle's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

guromaws Global Rules

Apologies for the length, but this is the only spot I have to write this down at the moment. Will be made more brief when I can put it on something like a Carrd.
Last edited: 12/15/23

(The stuff you have to follow. I am super patient with things, but if you have repeated issues/ refuse to correct things when pointed out I will blacklist you.)

  • If you get a design directly from me, do NOT resell for more that you obtained it for. The *only* exception is if you have gotten/ made stuff to add to the worth.
    • I do not care what you count towards adding worth, as long as you are reasonable about it. I do believe personal art/ writing adds value, for those worried about that.
  • You are allowed to make any design tweaks you see fit (species change, minor marking or color changes) as long as the design is still recognizable.
    • If a design is, at minimum, 3 years old, you may completely redesign it on your own as long as the original design is kept visible somewhere.
    • If the design is under 3 years old and you want a complete redesign, please PM me and I am sure we can work something out.
      • If you are interested in having me redesign a character I originally designed, let me know! Would love the chance to revisit my designs. :)
    • ALT DESIGNS ARE OKAY just as long as they do not replace the original design completely.
  • Do not use my designs for "breeding chart" adopts. While I am okay with my designs being used as inspiration, a breeding chart causes a design to be more in the "direct copy" territory than I am comfortable with.
    • If I have designed a character that you have forever homed & has a story, I will allow leniency with you designing characters that look similar by proxy of being family. I would prefer you at least ask permission beforehand, however
  • It is most likely that I will not be making a public blacklist. I wont say never, as there's always the chance for people to be super shitty and force me to make one, but it's going to take a lot for me to feel the need for one.
(You do NOT have to abide by these; but it is appreciated if you do any of them. <3)
  • If you would like to authorize me to see characters I have designed, feel free to do so! This is absolutely just an "if you want to" thing, so do not feel like you have to.
  • I would prefer you not sell characters offsite without informing me. This could cause duplicate profiles if they ever get a Toyhouse/ give the character to someone with a Toyhouse, as well as credit for any artists' art or even my credit as the designer to be lost. If the other person is at all interested in getting a Toyhouse account, I can offer a code. ^_^ You just need to contact me first.
  • I do not mind inspiration being taken from my designs at all! Be reasonable about it of course, but it's the nature of an artist to take inspiration from others, especially to improve your skill.
    • Style theft, palette theft, and etc. is not a thing to me for the reason noted above. I do not want to bother trying to police it.
  • If there is proof a design is copied from one of mine and not just inspired by, however, I will be in contact to sort things out.
    • I will be more lenient with younger artists, as I do not expect them to be as familliar with inspiration-ettiquite in this sense. It's a lot easier for them to copy something they like online without thinking about it. It's something I also did as a kid, and I will not yell at a kid for wanting to make characters similar to how I do now.
    • That said, no matter the other party's age, if I get in contact and they refuse to fix things to make it more original, I reserve the right to blacklist & block.
  • You must also take into consideration how someone who owns a character designed by me. If you like a design by me but the owner says not to take inspiration from their characters, be polite and respect their wishes. As much as I do not care about certian stuff, owners still have the right to not want the characters they own used as inspiration/ being copied.