Jafie Torta (Doodles)



🍒 Jafie 🍒

Oh baby,
I'll have your heart on a platter

  •  Name   Jafie Torta 
  •  Age   24 
  •  Height   5'2 
  •  Occupation   TBA 
  •  Sexuality   Hetero 
  •  Personality 

    She’s a HO SMH? She’s also kind of bratty and petty- though, sometimes she takes a “sweet and innocent” approach. In person she’s incredibly calculated about her behavior, especially around men, but if she doesn’t like you she’ll constantly throw jabs and insults (especially if this is online where only a select few can see). After dating a guy for a while she usually gets bored and breaks it off herself or, like with Brendon, amps up being an asshole/cheats where he’ll find out so he’s the one who ends it. She’ll never get married or commit to anyone and thems the facts.

  •  Likes   Aesthetics, Redbull, attention, Twitter, drama, the nasty, fashion, sweets 
  •  Dislikes   Commitment, Jaffa Cakes, anime, memes 
  •  Backstory 

    She was raised in Noxafield as an only child. Her mother was pretty mentally abusive to her, causing her bulimia. Eventually her father took custody of Jafie and divorced Jennifer while Jafie was still very young.

    Jafie subconsciously blamed her father for not doing something sooner and distanced herself from him, moving out as soon as she could. She now lives in Lustelle in some apartment building alone. Her life pretty much consists of ho’ing around and kind of enjoying life’s pleasures instead of obsessing over the future or pleasing people? She loves the attention that wrapping someone tightly around your finger can bring.
  •  Jaime and Jennifer Torta   Parents 

    Jafie was the only child Jaime and Jennifer had, and thank God for that. Jennifer pushed her beauty standards onto her very young daughter pretty much the whole time they were under the same roof. She mentally and, occasionally physically, abused both her husband and Jafie. When Jafie was around 9 or 10 years old, Jaime divorced Jennifer and took full custody of their child. Jafie blames her father for letting all that stuff happen to her, so as soon as she turns 18 she moves out from his house and never speaks to him again. She despises both of her parents and never speaks of them. And honestly? Their relationship taught her that love isn't real and never works, causing her to have an inablity to connect to others emotionally.
  •  Ryan Evans   Ex Boyfriend 

    The exception to her rules. Ryan and Jafie were dating pretty "recently" in the canon timeline, not exactly sure when. They're both manipulative jerks, but they werent aware of that when they got together. As usual, they both played a pretty innocent and unassming act before trying to manipulate each other at the same time. They both caught on to this and were kinda?? Surprised but tried to out-manipulate the other person. Eventually Jafie tells him to stop trying to do that to her, and they both end up stopping for curosities sake. They have a semi-normal relationship for awhile, before Jafie ends up breaking it off because eh :/ She doesn't like to stay with people TOO long, since shes commitment-phobic.

    Though.. she did sort of catch feelings for Ryan. Faint, fleeting feelings that she vehemently denies to herself. She misses him a little from time to time, but it's nothing  too serious.
  •  Brendon Inu / Boris   Ex Boyfriend 

    Jafie kinda mentally abused this one OOPS. She got with him at age 19 when he was at his lowest point- his sibling figures had just ran away. She would at first try to comfort him whenever he got upset about it, but eventually flipped the script and began acting agitated everytime he whined about his siblings. She claimed that he must not think she is good enough, much to his dismay. Her constant and purposeful berating of him caused Brendon to start hiding his feelings instead of confiding in others. She evtnaually gets bored with him and cheats on him with some rando guy, leading to him confronting her about it and breaking it off.

    To make it clear: she had gotten with him for the money and attention since he's an idol, and her manipulation was all intentional. She's a bitch.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● She is bulimic
    • ● Birthday is February 20th
    • ● The symbol I most use paired up with her is a cherry
    • ● Her playlist is here
    • ● She's probably not gonna live to see 45

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