Alexis Taylor



2 years, 21 days ago


A teenage girl with a knack for any and everything mythological. She is the middle sibling between Atticus and Adonis Taylor, beating the constant allegations from her brothers that the middle child is always "forgotten", since she is the only girl. She is a huge geek for cryptids, becoming a self proclaimed cryptozoologist at a young age. While this might've seemed like it was a phase that she'd grow out of, it most certainly was not; Lexi had found her passion and she was gonna stick with it. If you were to ask her what her favorite mythical creature is, she'd answer the griffin, then would go on and on about every single bit of information she knows about the majestic creatures. In short, you wouldn't hear the end of it, but you'd come out extremely educated about griffins!
AGE: 15
DOB: JUNE 17th
Birds :]
"Non believers"
Repitition [Just NEEDS to have something new happen every day]
Keeping Secrets

Alexis "Lexi" Taylor is the quintessential middle sibling; vibrant, imaginative, and endlessly curious about the world around her. From a young age, Lexi developed a fascination with mythical creatures, drawn to the allure of the unknown and the possibility of hidden wonders lurking j beyond the human world. This passion led her down the path of becoming a "professional" cryptozoologist, immersing herself in the study of creatures both legendary and elusive. Lexi's boundless enthusiasm for her field is infectious, and she never misses an opportunity to amuse her brothers, Atticus and Adonis, with her latest discoveries and crazy conspiracy theories. While Adonis eagerly entertains her wild speculations, hanging on her every word, Atticus often finds himself struggling to keep up with her rapid-fire explanations, though he humors her nonetheless.

Despite her scholarly pursuits in her important research, Lexi is a free spirit at heart, finding solace and inspiration in the great outdoors. Whether she's exploring the depths of the forest or simply basking in the warmth of the sun with friends, Lexi feels most alive when she's surrounded by nature. The confines of indoor spaces leave her feeling restless, causing her mind to wander, daydreaming about the fantastical realms that could possibly be out there. However, Lexi's fondness for daydreaming can sometimes lead her astray, causing her to lose focus at the most inconvenient times. She's notorious for her tendency to space out mid-conversation or get lost in her own thoughts, much to the amusement (or frustration) of those around her.

Lexi tends to struggle to keep a lid on her excitement when faced with the revelation of Atticus' lycanthropy. The prospect of having a real-life werewolf in her very home sends her imagination into overdrive, and she can barely contain her enthusiasm. Secret-keeping has never been her strong suit, and the temptation to spill the beans to her fellow monster-loving friends proves almost too great to resist. Yet, she knows the importance of keeping Atticus' secret safe and swears to do whatever it takes to protect her brother's newfound identity, even if it means biting her tongue and keeping her wild theories to herself... at least for now.

Big bro who Lexi can (almost) always count in. Usually chats with Atticus when Adonis is in his "can't taking anything seriously" mood. Unintentionally gets a little too into Atticus' personal space when trying to study his werewolf condition, but she has good intentions... just not good execution.
Lil' bro who usually has two intentions with Lexi. He either humors and entertains Lexi's findings, but sometimes legitimately getting invested in her stories. That, or he just makes it his mission to interrupt her "important research" as much as possible and make her lose her mind.
The pets!! Alexis insists that she's the one out of the Sibs that Archie and Albert likes the most. You can find Albert almost always perched on Lexi's shoulder, as she was the one who insisted on adopting him. She is definitely the one who spoils Archie the most, which is why he follows her around so often.