Ros Xīnyí (Bagtas)



1 year, 11 months ago


【 Appearance

Standing at their usual 5'9", Rosaline looks about just how you'd expect from a regular arduran shifter. Their ears add a few inches to their height, but they're rarely ever fully elongated. What stands out the most, though, are their piercing, blank white eyes. Plus their bunnyboy airpods. 

【 Personality

Vibey, the kind of person who goes with the flow and matches others' energy. They were like this before, and they remain like this now. 

Good Traits

Friendly, easygoing, laid back, earnest, and candid. 

Bad Traits 

Unaware, curious to a fault, and has an awful habit of lying.  

【 Background

Rosaline was living a regular life on Bagtas. They had a brother, many good friends, and most importantly, a very impressive CV. That didn't all change, as they certainly still have those things, but... After a certain event in their life, it seems like they'd rather focus on something else. Now, they work with The Hermit to help him achieve his goals. 

【 Other Info

🌶 They're still the same Rosaline. So much about them is almost painfully familiar. Notably, they use Ros as a nickname much less, deciding to be called by their full, unshortened name most of the time.

🌶 They have mobility problems surrounding their neck and left shoulder. With this, they try their best to not let it interfere with their day-to-day activities. 

🌶 It's not that they're particularly dedicated or committed or devoted to The Hermit, it's just that their curiosity almost conveniently lines up with what he needs.

【 Design Notes

🌶 They keep their hair down. It falls in messy, uneven layers around their face, but it doesn't seem to bother them. With this, one part of their fringe is tied into a braid.

🌶 The bracelets on their right wrist make an IX, as in 9 in roman numerals, to allude to The Hermit. 

🌶 They're mixed arduran-human. With this, they don't have a tail! They do, however, have the ability to shift into a rabbit for a few hours at a time.