


2 years, 28 days ago



You up for a swim?

Coral 24 5/17/1998 Female She/Her Merdog Straight Single 31,075 Amino Coins

Coral is a merdog who lives in the ocean near a beach. She lives alone, so she loves meeting new friends as she often gets lonely. When the beach is extremely busy, she finds herself being more solitary since she doesn't like large groups. If she sees someone is in trouble, such as drowning or floating too far off the beach, she will gladly help. She is a lot more active early at sunrise and at sundown, since that's when it's harder to see her clearly, and also when the fewest people are out.


She has a very cheerful, excitable, fun, and kind personality. In one on one conversation, she is very outspoken and bubbly, but she shuts down whenever she's in large groups, so she tries to avoid them.

  • Water
  • Swimming
  • Teaching others to swim
  • The Ocean
  • The Sun
  • Having Fun
  • Soda
  • Not Swimming
  • Littering
  • Polution
  • Thunder Storms
  • Thinking about her parents

When Coral was 13, she was separated from her family after an enemy group of merdogs destroyed her home. Her parents snuck her out and away from the city. They were very clear that she was not to follow them back, and told her to swim far away. They both then turned back to help ward off the invaders. Despite her unwillingness to leave them, she turned and swam as far away as she could.

After what felt like an eternity of swimming, she found an underwater cave. Absolutely exhausted, she curled up inside. Fortunately nothing else living here that would attack her, so it was safe. The reason for this was because, unknowingly, Coral had made her new home next to an inhabited beach. The area was kept free of anything that could attack beachgoers, so that left the area perfectly safe for her to inhabit.

Many years later, the cave she had taken shelter in had become her permenant living space. The walls have become decorated with pretty nicknacks and trinkets she has collected off the beach. Whatever she found unpleasant, she threw away. After observing others throwing away their garbage, she learned how to use trash cans. Thus, she did her best to keep the area clean, not just because it looked better that way, but because it was the best way she could think of to repay the outside world for letting her stay at the beach.

  • To other's surprise, she is able to communicate fluently. However, slang is often lost on her, but she picks it up fast!
  • Most of her outfit consists of items she has recovered from the beach.
  • Due to her constant nighttime cleaning, Coral's beach is the cleanest in the area!
  • The pearl necklace around her neck was a gift from her father and it is the last thing she has to remember her parents.
  • Coral's parents name her after the beautiful coral reef that was just a bit away from their city.
  • She's made many friends, but so far none of them have been lasting friendships. That doesn't stop her from trying!
  • Plantigrade in design (flat paw, straight leg)
  • Flat-chested to keep her design friendly
  • Sandals optional
  • Pearl Necklace optional
  • Skirt NOT optional, can have alt. design
  • Seashell and starfish necklace NOT optional