
2 years, 1 month ago


the wasteland's most special guy ever
some fun facts and info-
  • Subpar scrap trader wanted dead in a central settlement for the murder of someone (was caught standing over the body). Fled the guards and is incredibly paranoid over the thought of being hunted down. Rationally understands that would take far too many resources and that there is news of a new suspect death every other day, but cannot shake the feeling of an axe over their head. A person very much controlled by their emotions
  • Copes with extreme suicidal ideation and ostracization through a matyr complex which evolves into a self-victimizing, convoluted, and destructive philosphy- a sort of metaphysical solipsism that they became entranced with after hearing the words of a dying man ("you are me and i am you")
  • Their personal philosophy incredibly unsound if looked at too closely due to the foundational basis being their self hatred, obstinately ignores all holes in logic and comes to responds violently if pressed too hard on them
  • Belief evoles over time, though the central core of it is that they are the one truly Real person in all of the wastes and that all other people are aspects of themself which represent different parts of their psyche. Eventually leans more into the "I must awaken these other parts of myself and vouch for a mass suicide to kill the world once and for all so none will suffer anymore" sort of deal
  • TRIES to be chill for a very long time, hates the Feeling of anger (experiences all emotion on a very physical level, anger a nauseating affair), doing their best to be just Some Guy who escapes notice (in part due to that paranoia of being hunted down 2 serve justice)- has the unintended side effect of being very freaky when they drop all metaphor and speak of their philosophy in plain terms seemingly out of nowhere
  • Related to above- LOVES to speak in vague, metaphorical terms. Cannot say something and mean nothing but those words to save their life
  • Places a lot of value on the concept of choosing to act- using their words for almost all encounters and only resorting to violence when all other options have been exhausted or it is a choice between that and death. Does slowly turn to violence more and more as a tool as time passes and they both become more fixated upon the final death of the world+lean futher into the influence of the weeping'
  • Has a bad ankle from stepping into a bear trap set up by the dying man who planted the seeds of their philosophy (got laughed at by him when they managed to drag themself up to his shack- they had thought it was empty and was resigned to curling up and dying it in it Themself). Eventually drags themself back out to the wastes and near a main path where they meet Mneme for the first time, who was travelling with a group of people from one bunker to another. Mneme the only reason why they did not completely lose their foot, Morri keeping her around initially (through a combination of humoring her infatuation and their own desire) out of fear that it might Go Bad or something like that. Walks with a notable limp, has bad days where they cannot walk at all on it
  • Likes to collect books, bells, nicknacks, and teacups. Real kitschy tastes
  • Has a pair of partially healed partially punched through stigmata on their palms they keep covered up at all times. Mneme demands they hand off their gun+any possible improvised weapons to her when they bed down for the night for a very long time after the night they got those wounds

some fun imagery for them is dead dragons, gross meat, and reanimated horses

playlist for morri+friends. theyre too entangled to separate into individual playlists but two good songs for Only morri would be IMPOSSIBLE DREAM by black dresses and sinister exaggerator by the residents