BW! Michael



2 years, 1 month ago


Broken World Entity Log #1 Michael the Cyborg:

Some say he was the cause of the downfall of our world as we knew it. But regardless of whether that is correct or not, one fact stays true, this robot human hybrid is to be avoided at all costs. He looks just like a normal human and possesses powerful regenerative properties. Reports have been made that his skin was torn or melted off and yet was present when later spotted. We currently have no information on any known weaknesses. He has been seen “eating” metal from various street signs and other metal objects. It is hypothesized that this is done to gain materials for self-repair of his mechanical parts. He will attack any human on sight with the exception of entity Jason. Commander Sarah Mantly has theorized that this is because the two entities were very close before their transformations. This raises some questions, such as, does that mean that Michael still retains some of his memories in the human part of his brain? And if so can those memories be sparked to try and revert him back to his old self? Or could it simply be that Michael recognizes Jason as a force he cannot defeat? Perhaps we will never know the answers. Once again it is strongly urged that if you come across this cyborg, avoid catching his attention at all costs and get the hell out of there. And if he notices you, god help you.

Signing off,

Intelligence Officer Steve Jollare