


6 years, 5 months ago


Character name- Ichibitsu Fairetze

Gender- Female

Age/Age appearance- 4

Species-  An unidentified species thats the mishmash of a moth and a fairy! (shes very tiny, think a small child just learning to walk!)

Is wardrobe important- Not at all!

What else would they wear- Shes a mix between dressing princess-like, or wearing wild fantasy outfits and playing dress up, its up to you!

Weapon- Despite not being a fighter she owns a large gnarled old stick that is her WIZARD STAFF (wizard, she is not a witch!)

Personality- Shes very much a bubbly little carefree child, enjoying simple things and playing with toys despite being a several thousand year old titan of Patience responsible for a great deal of important things. She is prone to ADD-like tendencies and jumps from thing to thing, even when in important conversations with those above her. 


Things they like-  She likes flowers, playing pretend, ponies and other such innocent things. Despite being very much a 'little girl' in personality her favorite color (at least until meeting Gilish in his armor) is gold! 


Habits/things they do- Ichibitsus favorite past time is assuming her alter-ego Eegnorr The great Wizard of Unitopia, she constantly on a quest to find out where the evil demons have hidden the precious unicorns that once belonged to her great people.  Ichibitsu possesses the power of creativity, that is anything she imagines she can manifest in reality and make it a thing for as long as she can focus on it. 


Something goofy they'd do-  Anything silly a small child would do!

Details you can't see in the art- Shes less 'small' and more a child that never really developed. Shes really just a little girl, well, a little moth girl. Her eyes are black as pitch and all of her fingers are pointed and sharp. Her wings are a decent size but are unable to actually carry her. 

Want to know more about them? Full bio with ALL THE DEETS are here- its got some info but needs more work!

Romantic Relationship- She'll have you know that kisses are gross and are a good way to catch cooties and die, NO THANK YOU!!!

Closest Friendship- Ichibitsu unfortunately doesn't have any close friends, as everyone around her is an adult who thinks her decision to live her life as a child is a waste.