


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Wishseeker 

Age: 6 years old 

Gender: Female  

Kingdom: Nightwing Kingdom 

Race: Nightwing 

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Skills: Reading, Flying, knowledge of the ecosystem and weather.  

Personality: Wishseeker is a rather kind dragon to those around her, mostly keeping to herself however, she would rather focus on her studies in quiet. When with those she feels safe with she tends to be rather bubbly and a bit talkative, often mentioning a new thing she learned or something shes seen that day. 

Abilities: Normal Nightwing abilities such as fire breath, etc.  

Special Abilities: very diluted Future Vision, she can only see small futures within the next few months and occasional flickers of visions long in the future but they are often distorted and fuzzy. 

Strengths: Great at flying for her age, fast reader, shes built a lot for speed and agility: her small size allows her to get through tight gaps and helps in sneaking up on other dragons, considered to be rather smart. 

Weaknesses: Not the most social of dragons: can be rather timid and keeps to her shell around new dragons, She's not all that strong and wouldn't do too well in a fight, her hunting could do some work as she is rather clumsy and often makes the smallest mistakes.  

Occupation: Student at one of the nightwing schools. 

Background: Born to her nightwing mother and father as their youngest hatchling, Wishseeker has had a rather normal life all things considered.  

Appearance: A slightly smaller for her size purple-grey hued Nightwing with blueish is eyes