Maple Stick




Maple Stick

A calico molly with a bobbed tail and gold eyes. She wears a tiny rubber duck on a cord around her neck. They smell of tree sap, rotting leaves, and stagnant water.

Voice Claim: Caitlin Glass (Mina Ashido, My Hero Academia)

18 moons


The truth burns bright as the sun.

— Moon Taxi


Maple Stick can often be seen as impulsive and, as a result of that, a bit dumb. They're known for blurting out things without ever really thinking about them, which is true, but it's not out of impulsivity — it's out of last-second panic. Maple has a strange view on the cats around them and the relationships they share with them; while most would rightfully think that relationships must be established, Maple does not (with some exceptions: as these relationships are really only of the romantic variety and she thinks of it as one big polycule, she considers only those in her age range and those who are not Enchantment to be threats). To them, relationships are already arranged, and they are entering them blind, and it is horrifying. What if they mess it up? Oh, no, they're going to mess it up, oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit— and then they just end up becoming a little kitty shitpost generator and saying something like, "I just wanna fight people," and then walking off. This can sometimes unsettle people. They know this. They are, in fact, anxious about this. But their fight of flight response leans very solidly on the fight end of the spectrum, so, put 'em up, buck-o. They're comin' for ya, and you better be ready.

Aside from her (in reality, basically non-existent) romantic troubles, Maple is a dedicated Missionary that loves being a part of the Brotherhood. For all that her brusque manner carries over to most other aspects of her life and makes it seem as if she wouldn't take their duties seriously, service to the Sun and the cats around them included, their sheer passion shines through and proves otherwise. Maple is as loyal as a dog, unwilling to even think anything bad of those around them, which is as bad as an actual betrayal to her. She's dedicated her entire life to the Brotherhood and the Sun, as generations have before her and generations will after her, and she's proud of her place in the system and isn't about to give it up. Even more than that, she wants to welcome other cats into it, as Enchantment was welcomed into it! It's done her sibling so much good, after all, why wouldn't it do everyone else the same? Maple really just wants the best for everyone, and sure, maybe there'd be a few I wish I could steal every kitten step of your height until I towered over you and you were the size of a leaf or You can't just say things like that— Then kill me. tossed in there while she tries to do her Missionary duties of helping others, but, well. She's trying. And really, isn't that all that matters?


Maple was born and raised in the Brotherhood, but under unfortunate circumstances; before her birth, her sire was killed from infection, and shortly after she was born, her dam died due to complications from her and her stillborn sibling's birth. As a result, she was taken in and raised by her grandparent, Duck's Message, who loved her deeply, raised her strictly, and spoiled her as any grandparent would. While she was raised mostly by the Parriarchy, Duck's Message always made sure to remind her that she still had family related to her by blood that loved and cared for her. When she was three moons old, Enchantment Of the Coming Dawn came to the Brotherhood, and was taken in by Duck's Message, making them adoptive siblings — as if to make it more official, Duck's Message retired to become a Parriarchy themselves, taking on the name Parent Duck and taking a more paws-on approach to raising both kits. Other than that, she's lived a pretty average life in the Brotherhood.



Full name Enchantment of the Coming Dawn, they are their foster sibling. Where would she be, without her other idiot half?


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