Hyun-Jin Ryu



2 years, 4 months ago



Hyun-Jin Ryu










Secretary to the CEO of H.A.M.M.E.R.





Hyun-Jin Ryu.

"I'm sure that we can come into a beneficial agreement for all party's involved."

Hyun-Jin Ryu, often going by Ryu, is a person who prides themselves on their work. They, most noticeably, work for a very good company and therefore have based their life around it. That, and being percieved as a good person is of a main factor in their life. Yet, like their company, they too have layers. What really lies in the empty hallways that make up the mind of Hyun-Jin Ryu?

Wise. Resourceful. Cunning.

Ryu, as a person, is a fundamental liar. They switch between faces and personalities depending on the situation, but they always make themselves look good. If they cannot look good, they'll make themselves look better or out to be the victim. Behind all that... Ryu has long since forgotten who they were and what motivations they had. Was it money? Or was it the fear of breaking charectar? Who knows...

extraversion introversion
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


  • Journalling
  • Stationary
  • Work


  • Imperfections
  • 'Difficult' People.
  • Work.


Hyun-Jin and Ha-Eun: The Ryu's.

“Oh, I’m almost jealous you know,” Ha-Eun took her own puff, opening back up to their dear sibling who had been locked out for so long. Then again, Ha-Eun had the poor habit of saying whatever was on her mind whenever she wanted to. So her heart was more of a constantly moving revolving door than a locked chest. “You get to stay out late, and do whatever you want, meanwhile I'm stuck here constantly hearing mom and dad brag about how their child is a part of a major company and blah blah.”

Ryu stared at Ha-Eun’s contempt riddled eyes, and spoke in a slow and understanding manner. This was because they understood now— the final piece of the puzzle fit in well. Then, they uttered the words they had never heard themselves, the words that felt stolen from someone else's lips.

“Ha-Eun ssi, don’t stress about joining a big company. Do what makes you happy.”


Hyun-Jin Ryu and their job.

Clack, clack, clack.

The sound of their heels bounced off the white heels. No amount of time spent working in the building would ever let Ryu become accustomed to the peculiar design of it. The twists of the hallways, the repeating white tile patterns, it was all psychologically done as to condone confusion. But it would take more than a weird building to confuse Ryu. They were laser focussed on one destination. When they reached that destination, nothing could have prepared them for the sight. Deep breaths.

This could work, Ryu could always work.


Hyun-Jin Ryu and their parents.

Ha-Eun kicked them slightly under the table, catching onto this little act that she perceived as them just being humble. In retaliation, Ryu kicked back, and now they were locked in combat beneath the table whilst their father gave a truly heartwarming speech. Something about ‘pride’, Ryu being ‘such a good earner for the family’ and ‘bound to take care of them all well when he and his wife hit old age’, yadda yadda blah blah— and ‘boy was that coming too fast’. It was only when their mother sniffled did Ryu actually look at their parents. Why were so... Chalked up?

Why did Ryu feel very little sympathy for them? They couldn’t connect, they couldn’t relate even if they shared the same blood they just couldn’t correlate their emotions. What they knew was that they needed to speak. Ha-Eun got the kick of victory in and Ryu smiled placidly, as if they weren’t going to have bruised legs for the next week.

“Appa, Eomma, thank you for supporting me in my internship. I’ll continue to make you proud.”

None of it was real.

Design Notes.

  • Ryu has a very print pink/magenta hair backing which is very noteable.
    • Extra bits.
    • The only sign of their irritation is in the way their right eye twitches.
  • They are the epitome of the word 'secretary' in their dress style.
  • Despite looking neatly pressed, their pockets house a number of items..


  • Ryu's first pet was a Russain Blue named Avacoda.
  • They are childhood friends with Teruko Maryuma.
  • They started working on an unpaid internship, and their parents supported them through it. Due to this and combining factors, they feel indebted to their parents whilst simaltaenously resenting them.
  • Ryu once had a crush. When their parents read Ryu's journal and discovered this, they disaproved of it to the point they lobbied the school into expelling the student.
  • Ryu is no longer 100% truthful in their journalling.

Little Sister.

Long Lost childhood friend.

Until it doesn't hurt - Mother Mother