


2 years, 4 months ago


Vespera - Co-Controller of the Mythos hive

Mated to Cináed

Female/Juxera - Neopronouns zhe/zher/zherself

A large and slightly overbearing Alumy controller. Zhe can come across as angry and mean, but zhe is honestly just protective. Cináed was one of first Alumys to actually believe in zher and respect zher neopronouns, and Vespera will always remember that kindness. Cináed accepted and appreciated zher like no one else and they very quickly fell in love. They have a very strong bond that isn't easily broken and together they rule the Mythos hive well. Vespera is usually more serious or angry looking, but is quick, decisive, and strong in battle. Zhe is very protective and not afraid to fight for the good of those smaller or weaker then zher, but Cináed is zher main priority. Zhe does secretly have a small soft and affectionate spot but very few see it. Vespera very secretly adores children and wishes they weren't afraid of zher, but zhe is too afraid that admitting it will make zher weak. So, zhe focuses on protecting and maintaing the hive with zher mate.

Definitely a big tiddy goth GF type
