Heart Branch



2 years, 4 months ago


Heart Branch

Heart Branch is a thin and lithe soft-furred, snow-white molly with dark green eyes. She smells of marigold, stone, and lemongrass.

Voice Claim: Gabrielle Hersh (Chloe, Detroit: Become Human)

Name Heart Branch
Age 74 Moons
Gender Female
Pronouns She/They
Sexuality Bisexual
Rank Leader
Home HoneyClan

If Heart Branch was to have an alignment on a D&D chart, that alignment would be Lawful Annoyed. This is because, as loyal as she is to her Clan, she is sometimes annoyed and confused by the actions her Clanmates choose to take. A cat decides to go mess with the other Clans, and she’s going to sit there wondering why the FUCK for at least a few minutes, for example. She loves all of her Clanmates, she really does, but sometimes she just doesn’t understand them. Despite the less positive feelings the cats she leads can sometimes evoke in her, she would willingly put her life on the line for them without a second thought. She carries herself with a responsible and trustworthy air — she takes her duties seriously, and wants her Clan to be unafraid of coming to her for help. She also thinks that it’s serious to bolster her Clan’s confidence, and has been known to throw spars a time or two during training to help further that goal.

Despite being from HoneyClan, Heart Branch is a brave cat who is unafraid of battle, injury, or even death. She can and would face all of these head-on without flinching, but just because she isn’t scared of it doesn’t mean that she’s eager for it. There’s a difference between courage and foolishness, and she knows this well — she isn’t going to shove her Clan into a pointless battle or one that they can’t win. If they have no choice but to fight, then she stands her ground and helps to prepare everyone around her for it. She also is unafraid of calling others out if she thinks that something they mean to do is questionable, whether it be a fellow leader or a Clanmate. She doesn’t keep these kinds of thoughts to herself (if a cat is being stupid, then she thinks that they should know about it), but is willing to listen to their side of things, too. If whatever they say makes sense to her, then she’ll step back and allow them to follow through; and she might even stick up for them, too.

While she’s quite possibly one of the most serious cats in HoneyClan, she also has a perfectly intact sense of humor. She isn’t one to mess around much herself, but she can certainly take a joke and can be amused pretty easily by those who know her. She doesn’t take everything seriously, either — if a cat that she knows doesn’t always get along too often says oh, I’m sharpening my claws to kill them, don’t worry about it, then she’ll laugh it off and continue with her day. If she sees kits or apprentices playing a prank or playing around with each other, then she’s likely to simply look the other way and pretend she saw nothing. She’s also been known to tease her loved ones, unafraid of poking fun despite her position of authority.


Heart Branch was born as Mouse Nest, and lived a pretty average life. She became friends with Drifting Shade as an apprentice, but only became mates with them after a few seasons of being a warrior. She became deputy when she was nearly a senior warrior, to only her surprise, and had a litter of kits while she held the position, all of which are warriors now. She took on the mantle of leader only ten moons after she became deputy, and named herself Heart Branch in the hope of embodying strength and stability in her leadership.

Drifting Shade
Her spouse.
Cloud Swoop
Her daughter.
Wild Blossom
Her kit.
Playing Sea
Her kit.