Beatrice Badawi



2 years, 1 month ago


  • Name: Beatrice Badawi
  • Age: 60
  • Birthday:
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Italo-Arabian
  • Gender: Cis woman
  • Sexuality: Lesbian
  • Pronouns: She/they
  • Eyes: dark brown
  • Hair: dark brown, wavy
  • Skin tone: midtone brown
  • Body type: slender, toned
  • Special features: usually wears sunglasses
  • Colour: yellow, black
  • Positive traits: Intelligent, level-headed
  • Negative traits: Stern, aloof, harsh
  • Preferred clothes: Practical and modest, sunglasses


Beatrice comes from a family known for its detective skills, information collecting, whistle blowing and espionage. From a young age, Beatrice and her brothers Gabriele and Leonardo, received harsh training to hone their minds and bodies to continue this legacy. Beatrice was born as the second eldest to the family head, Francesco. Beatrice learned how to make disguises, how to change her voice, how to fight and defend herself (and other people) and how to withstand torture. Among these, Beatrice also learned how to kill, but it was also engrained into her that those skills should only be used for self-defence or to defend someone else or when there is absolutely no other way to diffuse a situation, and absolutely no other time

Beatrice's older brother, Gabriele, had been raised from a young age to take his and Beatrice's place as the head of the Badawi family. Beatrice had always thought that she should also have received the same training because the line of the Badawi family work is hazardous and you never know what will happen. A series of misfortunes could strike and leave the family without a head.

How Beatrice hated to be right.

One fateful day, when almost all of the family had gathered in the family home, someone broke in, mutated and went on a rampage. They managed to kill and maim a lot of the Badawi family before the surviving members and Orlando stopped them. After that day, a lot of people ended up in the hospital with injuries ranging from Orlando's lost eye to Lorenzo's mangled arm that had to be amputated. The family, in one afternoon, lost a lot of people, including Francesco, the head, and Gabriele, the next head. With Leonardo mourning the loss of his wife and pregnant daughter, Beatrice took the place of the head of the Badawi family and named Orlando as her successor.

Small factoids

The attack left Beatrice with scars on her arms and hands.

Beatrice likes to tease Orlando for his social awkwardness, but Beatrice also has the same awkward streak when she steps out of formal social structures.