Lobulf [Wolf]



2 years, 1 month ago


Lobulf are wolf like monsters native to the Seruverse galaxy. They live in familial groups known as packs of 3-10. The packs are led by oldest sire and dame. The species is well known for being exponentially more dangerous than a low level beast is expected to be. They get stronger at depending on how many nearby allies they have at night, and that power increase is dependent on the phase of the moon. A pack of lobulf on the night of a full moon can easily overrun the average frontier town, so people refuse to live in areas known for having feral lobulf.

Lobulf are also very territorial and aware of other's territories. Lobulf will only hunt within their own territories, and become relatively passive if removed from it. This rule does not apply if the pack leaders are present, or if the lobulf lacks a pack. Lobulf only change the boundaries of their territory if their territory becomes unsafe, unsustainable, and/or when it can no longer support the pack. 

Unique Racial Ability: Lunar Blessing- At night the lobosi's stats are increased by a small % depending on the number of party members they have (minions like summoned undead also count),  and a moderate % based on how full the moon is.

Class/evolution trees:

Lobulf > Coyone > Coyervea [coyote based]

Lobulf > Lycanos [Werewolf] > Wolfssegner

Lobulf > Lycanos > Dire Lycanos

Lobulf > Lycanos > ???

Lobulf > Lycanos > ???

Lobulf > Dire Lobosi > Selenolf [stronger moon buffs]

Lobulf > Boriulf > Aurowl [ice based lobosi]

Lobulf > Ashbach >Gevubbio [class line based on man eating wolves]

Lobulf > Nursul > Denmother [stronger buffs for having a full party]

Lobulf > Warg > Garmris [based on norse myth wolves]

Lobulf > Xeroximis > Xeroximare[dreamland exclusive]

Lobulf > Piroluf > Wickrwolf [plant based lobosi]

Videos made involving them: