


2 years, 1 month ago


Imperva are a species of monster known as devilis. They're best known for being weak an annoying.


-Devilis consider their tails and horns sacred

-In Devilis culture having a tail or horns removed is the highest level of punishment (higher than the death penalty)

-Devilis born without a tail or missing a horn are considered cursed and usually abandoned

Design Notes:

-All Imperva will have horns (2 on the sides or 1 in the middle)

-Imperva come in a variety of colors and patterns

-Imperva wings will grow back if damaged (horns and tails will not)

-Imperva are small (1-3 ft tall)

Level 1 stats:

HP: 5

MP: 23

STR: 7

MAG: 10

DEF: 1

RES: 18

PER: 16

CHA: 15

DEX: 13

LUK: 12


Unique Racial Ability: 

Impish Tricks- The imperva has an increased chance to avoid debuffs, and has a chance to reflect debuffs when it does.

Racial Skills:

Natural Flight: Take flight giving yourself immunity to certain skills and terrain effects, but you will also take extra damage from physical ranged weapons and wind damage.

Devilis Trickery: All debuffs have a slightly higher success rate.

Impish Bite: deals weak strength based damage and has a chance to inflict a random debuff.

Devilic Aura: Increases debuff resistance.

Shadow Bullet: Deals weak MAG based dark damage and has a chance to lower the target's STR by a small amount for a short time.

Dark Dance: Deals 1-3 hits of weak CHA based dark damage to random targets and has a chance to lower CHA by a small amount for a short time. 

Duun: Deals weak dark damage.

Night Vision- You can see normally in darker areas as long as they aren't completely dark.

TP Skills:

Vile Harvest: Steal buffs from foes, give any debuff on yourself to all foes, and cause all DoT debuffs on foes to end dealing all of the damage they would deal throughout their duration at once.

Stress Skills:

Fight or Freeze: Greatly increases DEX and LUK for a short time, but you have a chance to cower in fear instead of preforming an action.



Strong with:

Weak to:

Resistant to:

Boosted Talents:

Umbrakinesis, Fang Combat, Curse Combat

Imperva Class/Evolution Trees:

Imperva > Concubi > Incubus

Imperva > Concubi > Succubus

Imperva > Abyssal > Masked Abyssal

Imperva > Abyssal > Veiled Abyssal

Imperva > Abyssal > Cloaked Abyssal

Imperva > Marchen > Bucherie

Imperva > Markuth > Ogre

Imperva > Shamiri> Shadra Shamiri

Imperva > War Devilis > Archdevils