


2 years, 1 month ago


"I've always seen everything everyone's ever had to hide. And in return, I bring my divine guidance, the guidance of a guardian angel."

Eleven (real name unknown) is a skinny, pale skinned tattoo artist who was a stand user at birth. His stand is Horizon, a stand who grants clairvoyance and the ability to read thoughts. Comes to Italy to investigate Passione and happens across Lobo in the process, using a shard of the stand arrow in his possession to give her a stand ability and watch what ensues after.


(Still under construction)

Eleven was a stand user at birth, and his powers lead to his isolation as is often in stand users. He could hear everyone's thoughts, see their aura's and this overwhelmed the child at first. He comes to believe himself an angel fallen to earth, and his powers lead to a morbid curiosity and fascination with fate.

The relationship between his parents is rocky, and his mother had ties to Dio's days back in Egypt. He eventually goes there, curious about this and the purpose of the blade shard she always kept so cleverly hidden, and uncovers their truth. After this he sees it as his duty as an 'angel' to gift unfortunate souls with a stand.blue

erwards he ends up in Italy, following the whispers of an abnormal amount of stand users appearing there. While searching he finds Lobo, fresh off of losing her home. Her struggles along with her non human nature make him take immediate fascination, striking her with the arrow shard and convincing her to stay with him. He also uses her to help fend off unwanted criminals, mafia members and for "errands".


Cocky shitheel. He has a very high opinion of himself and holds his own intelligence above others. Indeed, he's very smart, even separated from his stand ability. He's a master manipulator and wears his secrets on his sleeve yet still somehow manages to keep them hidden and unsure. Extremely mysterious, and he takes joy in confusing people.

Even after discovering stands be believes himself a fallen angel. He's a creative person who likes to bring messages in the form of tattoos and street graffiti. His overall goals are unclear, though he seems content to watch the domino effects of his actions and observe the wicked but beautiful world around him.

He does have morals, though, and agrees Passione must change, though he doesn't have as cutthroat a belief system as Lobo. He likes finding people with different values and how they all seem to mesh together in human society, albeit with a thin, tacky glue that threatens to break apart.

His idea of a heaven on earth is one in which others accept their differences and come together. Whether or not I'm going to have him tied to Pucci has to wait until I finish part 6 (definitely thinking about it)

Despite his angelic mindset he isn't opposed to alcohol, or even things like marijuana.

Favorite foods: anything mint, lemons, milkshakes, cold foods

Disliked foods: spicy food, fish (sucks to be in naples m8)

Favorite Colors: white, yellows

Random facts:

Collects records and likes music, just like Lobo. There's always something playing in his parlor.

Has a habit of drawing people who catch his eye or who are noteworthy in a secret sketchbook, Which also contains notes on them.

Has a distaste for Christians, although a fascination with biblical art and history, another plus of being in Itay.

Really bad at cooking. Usually gets Takeout.

Nobody is allowed to kill bugs in his shop. They all get deposited gently outside. Has a pet Beetle named Michael.

Also has a long haired white cat named Mrs. Claus. Doesn't particularly enjoy loud dogs.

He's gotten used to his stand powers for the most part, but in public it can still cause him sensory overload and some distress. Wears earbuds or hums to himself to try to distract from all the information attempting to flood his brain.
