
2 years, 6 days ago


so much sin for just twenty-one


Name Midnight
Sexuality Demisexual
Age 28 Moons
Rank Leader
Gender Female
Home Day Stars
Pronouns She/Her
Playlist Link!


  • cold
  • isolated
  • determined


  • being evil?
  • no, not anymore.
  • uh...

An adorable, soft-furred black-and-white molly with round, cold hazel eyes. She smells of wilting flowers, moss, and rotting leaves.

Voice Claim: Minka Kelly, North (Detroit: Become Human)


For all that Midnight appears to be a soft, cute little molly, she is anything but (though her tendency to mlem can make it hard to believe for those unfamiliar with her). Her thick, soft pelt hides scars, and there's never really any expression on her face. In fact, she rarely ever shows any emotion — she is a stoic cat that rarely ever lets others in on what she's thinking or feeling. On top of that, she is scarily quiet: when she walks she doesn't make a sound, and even when she runs she's quiet. When she moves, it's like a stalking predator, and she tends to live her life like one, too, always precise and exact in what she does and acting with deadly force. She is a strong molly and a firm leader, striving to make the group she founded be a place where cats could make a better life for themselves and try and earn redemption for whatever misdeeds they have committed in the past, and is willing to do anything to make sure that it stays that way. She, herself, believes that she is incapable of redemption, but at the very least she can try and help others find theirs.

While she portrays herself as cold and uncaring, in reality she simply struggles to understand her own emotions, and struggles even more with sharing them with others or displaying them. At times, this can lead to her struggling to deal with certain situations; cats displaying what they're feeling openly in front of her is something that can make her uncomfortable, and unless she thinks she has to be dealing with something important then and there then she's likely to bow out of the situation as gracefully as she can and allow someone else to deal with it. She is also bad at identifying other's emotions, assuming that whenever a cat cries they're sad or whenever one glares that they're angry, only understanding the basics of expression and not able to comprehend much more than that. In general, she isn't very good at reading others, but she has a good intuition that she relies heavily on whenever she makes her judgement.

She's quite awkward, not understanding how normal interaction is supposed to go and not seeing much point in talking to other cats just for fun — though, this comes from how she's lived her life own her own up until recently, and is liable to change as she gets more and more used to being surrounded by others. As she struggles to express herself, this can lead to everything building up inside of her until it all explodes out, leaving her a mess of tears and words and whatever else happens to come out. The fact that she treats her duties as more important than herself doesn't help with that at all; she is most certainly a workaholic, working herself until she drops from exhaustion (as far as she's concerned, working to keep the Day Stars running is really all she's good for), and if a cat wants her to rest then they'll have to drag her to a nest and stand guard to make sure she stays there. On top of her emotional struggles, she is also bad at making her expression move the way that she wants it to; most of the time, he most emotion she'll show is a few ear or tail flicks or maybe some movement of her fur, but if she was to try and smile or frown then it would look... wrong. Not that she would try to do so often, as she doesn't see the point. She also isn't one to purr or growl or hiss or yowl often: she gets her point across with words, and if she can even understand what she's feeling in the moment, then she is just going to tell cats close to her about it (i.e., telling her friend, "I feel happy right now"). In general, she isn't quite sure how to interact with other cats in a normal setting without violence involved, and as such she tends to try and separate herself from the rest of the Day Stars.

Regularly, she only talks to a few cats — her deputies and mender, for the most part — and if someone else tried to speak with her then she is likely to spend the entire interaction simply staring at them, unsure what to say or do. Building close bonds with other cats is something that, for her, is out of the realm of possibility, and she really only talks to other cats when she absolutely has to. Midnight considers herself to be dangerous and wouldn't trust herself around others, especially younger cats. Though she wants kits dearly, she wouldn't allow herself to have any, fearful of how she would treat them and believing that she doesn't deserve to have any in the first place. She doesn't think that she deserves most things: she wants a mate for herself but doesn't believe she's worthy to take one on, she would love to make a friend or two but doesn't think she deserves any or that any cat would even want to be her friend, doesn't think she could earn redemption for herself in a million years but wants it so badly that it aches.

Whenever she gets angry or annoyed or frustrated then she will take time to herself to cool down, as she's scared that she might hurt someone whenever those kinds of feelings build up. At times, she can have a short temper, but she will always deal with that on her own rather than exploding on someone else. She is stubborn in everything that she does. Once she makes a decision she sticks by it no matter what, and it's nigh impossible to dissuade her from an opinion or thought she has. Trying to dissuade her from a something she's already made up her mind on is like fighting a one-on-ten battle; possible, if a cat is smart and sneaky about it and more than a little lucky, but daunting and saying that it would be difficult would be an understatement. She also really doesn't care that much about herself, considering the cats around her to be far more important. The Day Stars are very much a labor of love to her, but the amount of work she puts in can be detrimental for her health — she will go without sleeping if she thinks she has to, and even if she's sick or injured then she won't take a break, even if it makes it her condition worse. A cat would have to physically restrain her if they wanted her to rest, and even then she wouldn't find it very peaceful.


She doesn't talk about it.



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.