


2 years, 1 month ago


BlueFlower had a daughter, BloodRose (RoseSplash) RoseSplash had "died" the clan only a few days before she was supposed to give birth ; in reality RoseSplash had ran away from Sun Empire to go live with rouge mate, Spike.

Spike ended up killing BloodRose around a moon after the kits were born he hadn't hurt the  kits he actually was going to raise them to be fighters but the kits had ran away all in different directions. Spike could only find two of them (Bird and Splash) he looked and looked for Skunk but he couldn't find him anywhere and eventually gave up.

Skunk had accidentally ran to far and ran into Sun Empire's territory. The Chancellor O the clan, VenomStar had decided to take the night in and make in apart of the Empire!

skunk was too young to explain or remember what happened. No one knew he was a past members kit, sadly the other two kits stayed with Spike.

BlueFlower had decided to take on the kit and raise him. BlueFlower instantly knew he was her daughters son just by looking at his eyes and the way they mimicked her daughter.