


6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Penelope 

Nicknames: Pen (by Wystan)
Gender: Female
12 (FRLG/ORAS), 15 (HGSS/BDSP), 18 (BW), 20 (BW2/XY), 22 (SM/USUM)
Birthday: March 23rd
Hometown: Virbank City, Unova
Trainer Class: Poké Fan

Height: 5'2"
Clothing: Comfortable, cute, tshirts, pajama pants, cardigans
Accessories: Shiny Charm hairclip, Cherrim hair scrunchie

Bag: Premier Balls, Shiny Charm, Shiny Powder, Soda Pop, Ultra Rare Soda, Casteliacones, Rare Candy

Favorite Food: fries, pizza, tater twists, buttered popcorn, funnel cake, Casteliacones, Flower Gift Macarons

Favorite Drink: Soda Pop, Slushie Floats
Flower: Moonflowers
Likes: Shiny Pokemon, Poke Dolls, merchandise, video games, movies, moonlit walks, Nimbasa City, arcades, amusement park games & rides
Dislikes: Sunburns, hot temperatures, having nothing to do

Penny is a bit of a homebody considering her condition. Most days are spent keeping busy indoors when the sun is out, so she's taken up a number of hobbies. Some don't stick, but she's determined to try everything at least once! If she absolutely must go outdoors during the day, she'll be seen with a parasol- just in case the clouds and smoke over Virbank clear up too much.

One of the hobbies that most resonated with her was making her own handmade Poke Dolls. She had a lot of time to look into it, reading and watching videos to learn this craft. 

She was born in Virbank City, the city of falling fog and rising stars! The city is often covered by clouds and smoke, with very active residents. 


Parents: Her parents gifted her Vanillite, Cherubi and Minccino so she wouldn't feel so 'alone' about her albinism, and all three are shiny Pokemon. This sparked her want to to catch more.

WystanHer older brother.


Vanillite (Shiny) ♀
Even indoors, Luminous creates snow crystals and makes snow fall around her, cooling the area around her and sleeping buried in snow. On especially hot days, whether Unova's summers or in a hotter region, Twinkle is pleasantly cool to embrace, and helps keep Penelope from burning.

Cherubi → Cherrim (Shiny) ♀
It took time until she evolved, but Cherrim is rather docile as a bud. When she can absorb the sun's rays, Sparkle opens her folded petals, but folds back into a bud if the sun wanes. She often sits by Penelope's window when home.

Minccino (Shiny) ♀
Due to Glimmer preferring a tidy habitat, Penelope tries to make sure she helps clean so that her partner can rest, too. After Penelope's bedroom is spotless, Glimmer will spend a whole day washing her tail in clean water. 

Espurr (Shiny) ♀
Espurr was drawn to Penelope while wandering Virbank one night, and seemed unafraid by the Pokemon's presence. It caused the little Pokemon to grow curious, following from a distance. She grew fond quickly of Espurr, especially when Penelope noticed that the little one got used to her going outside at a certain time. Espurr is often seen sitting at her window staring in, waiting for her to come outside. After some time, Penelope opened the door to see if Espurr wanted to stay with her- and she did.

Mimikyu (Shiny) ♀
Mimikyu was found upon Penny's visit to the Alola region, having visited the Thrifty Megamart during the night. Realizing the Pokemon was distraught as she tried to fix her broken neck as if her life depended on it, Penelope couldn't bear standing by anymore. She approached the Pokemon carefully and sat down, helping to fix her- she'd had practice with fixing some of her Poke Dolls. Immediately attached, Shimmer became part of Penelope's team. Penelope dotes on Shimmer, making sure she never feels lonely again.

+ Favourite Season: Winter