


6 years, 5 months ago


Rune (#62)
Ford Fiesta MK 1
~15 (adult by car standards)
Runaway demolition derby car

Rune appears stoic and collected to the average onlooker-- in reality, she is not. Rune is emotional, immature, and obsessive, fearing that those she gets close to will leave her, a philosophy backed up by personal experience. She is easily blinded by her emotions and presents herself as a lot tougher than she actually is. She has a tendency to take on enemies that are much more than she can handle, including Brad.

More than anything, Rune longs for freedom. After years spent forgotten in garages or passed from one human to the next, all she wants is to explore the world with her partner Lily. Due to her experiences she isn't the most knowledgable car and ends up learning a lot about the world by happenstance.


Rune was brought into a well-off family as a simple first car for a rather spoiled child. Said child hated Rune, and the new car was hidden away in a garage with a promise of eventually being used when they got over their stubborness. That day never came, and after a year or so Rune was sold to someone else. That someone didn't care for her much either. She was passed from one person to another until, finally, Rune ran off into the countryside.

This is where she met Lily, her partner. Lily was very kind and welcoming to the lost Rune, who took this to heart and immediately attached herself to the van's side. Living on abandoned farmland near the mountains, the two did everything together. Months and months went by full of adventure and joy, and for once Rune felt she had a place in the universe. She had a home.

It all came crashing down when a group of humans invaded the farm and kidnapped her and Lily. Lily put up quite a fight, but upon waking up the next day the two found themselves trapped at an old arena far from home. This arena was operated by a group of brutish humans that ran illegal demolition derbies, subjecting cars to violent races where the goal was to have one car standing in the end. The change in environment was traumatising for the two, but Lily promised to protect Rune until they both had the chance to escape.

One night during a particularly intense round, Lily challenged Brad, the group's champion. Brad killed Lily and Rune watched it all from the sidelines. Without the only light in her life, Rune was lost. She was helpless, completely unsure of what to do with herself or what her purpose was now that her partner was gone. All she knew is that she wanted Brad dead.

A few days later, Brad managed to escape. He was chased down by some of the loyal derby cars, all of which returned to the tracks with no bounty. Rune then volunteered to track down the runaway car and kill him once and for all.