Blaise Purplemane



Blaise is a young and energetic warrior from the Kingdom of Fire who has pledged allegiance to Team Light after being sent off to it to train her powers.

Blaise Purplemane
Fire Felius Dragon | 50 years | Female


NameBlaise Purplemane
MateGoldenrod Sharpthorn
FamilyPyra Purplemane (Mother)
Volco Purplemane (Father)
Goldenrod Sharpthorn (Mate)
Drinus Purplemane (Son)
RankLumerian Elemental Corps (Corporal)
FactionTeam Light/Lumeria
Age50 years (Adult age for her species)
SpeciesFire Felius Dragon
Main ElementFire
Sub Element(s)None
Personal WeaponBlazing Broad Sword
Talents/Abilities Combusting stuff with her mind
AlliesTeam Light
EnemiesShadow Dragons, Shadowsa
Height17 ft
Weight480 lbs
Length 26 ft
Wingspan40 ft
ColorsPurple, Deep Purple
Eye ColorPurple






Blaise is a female Felius Dragon who is purple in coloration with a deep purple mane that runs down her back from head to her back, and deep purple leopard markings which go all over her body. On Blaise's head she has a set of deep purple horns which stick out backwards and curve downwards. She also has purple ears which have deep purple fur on the inside. Her chest plates are tough yet light, in order to be carried easily, and are deep purple in color. Blaise has a set of deep purple spikes which run from her rear hips down to her tail. She has darker purple stockings on the front of her legs and darker purple rear legs, darker than her regular color yet lighter than the deep purple. She also has a band of darker purple coloration which is found under her wings. Blaise has feathered wings which are vary large and effective at carrying her long distances. Her first set of feathers are purple while the second set is darker in color and the third set is deep purple.


Is mostly calm, cool, and collected. However, she can be quite curious. Her personality is quite comparable to that of a cat. She can be lazy at times, but never when doing an actual task. She enjoys to explore the world around her and what makes it tick, she also loves to explore the extent of her fire powers.


Open this for her backstory: Blaise's Backstory

HTML Profile by Coywolfy

Elemental Abilities

Blaise does not breathe fire like most fire dragons. Instead she combusts stuff with her mind, or rather sets stuff on fire with her mind.

Mental Combustion: Blaise can set stuff on fire simply by concentrating on it with her mind.



Her lover whom needed to remain in the small town to help defend it. They send messages back and forth and Goldenfang is currently planning to come to the city for a time to help raise their child.


Her son whom she loves dearly she spends all her free time between assignments loving on him and caring for him, fearing he will grow up without enough love.