Adam Valenzuela



6 years, 9 months ago


ADAM VALENZUELA ``Addie / Dam`` [  | 26 ]
°Quiet | Enigmatic | Nimble °
“I ask myself: Why do we still make an effort to live in the world that already died long ago?”

¤ Adam has to be the most quiet and mature one of the pair, he was even  mistakened for a mute when he and Les became a partner for months  without Adam speaking that much. He much rather do actions than to speak  with words, Les understands him anyway. It was unknown to Les on why he  opted to do this way.
¤ He isnt judgemental to others, or  simply he doesnt care about anyone's past life and current style. As  long it doesnt get in his and Les's way. But when the person cause harm  to any of them, he steps up and threatens the person first before  initiating an assualt so that his warnings can get through the thick  skull of theirs.
¤ As you may have guessed, Les knows only little info of his background and story. He
 cant even tell what mood he's in as he amazingly puts up a (he assumed  permanent) poker face. He speaks so rarely that he only let out a few  quick words curtly when needed or the situation is seriously bad.
¤ When he speaks, his voice is always monotone and lifeless, as if he has  no interest to the other he was conversed to. The person he's talking  to will get uncomfortable on continuing talking to him. They might even  think that Adam is a bad person because they know very little about him,  making him not trust worthy to others. But Les trusted him and thinks  no one would understand Adam more than him. How he met Adam, is the time  he saved him from death.
¤ With this attitude and after  what he had gone through to live in this horrid land, he learned how to  cope and bottle his feelings secretly, thinking it was better off  stashed away in the back of his mind and never brought up. Reasoning  that these silly feelings will hinder their courage to live, in which he  has a point on that. But the consequences of this action is much more  severe than what he would've expect.
¤ He's quite clever, is  quick witted and learns to understand their situation quickly. Coming  up with a plan. The pair never thought of who's the leader of the two,  but when asked who, Les would point at him and of course, Adam either  didnt mind or didnt care much about it as it is useless to the two  anyways.
¤ Also, it is amazing to have patience like his,  he's able to put up with the Les's attitude, he scolds him in a calm yet  threatening way when it gets too much. Especially when his tone changes  from monotone to deep husky voice one with an expression of glaring  eyes and a mocking sneer. Les has to obey on that tone if he wanted to  live still.
¤ Even he much rather have some alone time by  himself in some dark corner he found, Les would still be able to find  him and keep him company by sharing jokes and puns like he always do.  Even though he find this annoying but it was quite fun as well to have  someone there in his deep moment (as if he would admit this). After all,  like what Les would often comment, he's a boring mute.

¤ Any sharp objects works perfectly as his weapon. For he is quick to  react and dodge any upcoming attacks. He amazingly puts any sharp  objects to good use as he is an expert on handling knives and swords.
¤ Guns were his preferred weapon before, but after what had happened, he  isnt too keen on touching one. But he still keeps one, full ammo, in his  bag.
¤ His current weapon is a bloody machete, though a bit  blunt, who knows how old this weapon is when he found it in a ruined  building. It still works well on decapitating limbs or head.
¤ He's good at repairing stuff, such as guns or vehicle if he's lucky to  find such materials to it (such as the generator but that is very  scarce). He's like a mechanic, but not close to an expert, rather enough  to be useful.
¤ For his quiet nature, he's able to keep his  steps light and escape without grabbing any attention from those  surrounding the area.
¤ After his family disappeared- one by one, he was off surviving alone until he met Leslie.
¤ Even though he doesnt like others getting into his personal space, he's  touch-starve. After all, after the traumatic events he's been through-  he's never been with anyone until he saved Les's life. Though, he would  never admit this fact.
¤ Who are alive now (or rather the ones who stayed with him) never saw once or a tiny bit of vulnerability of Adam, only those who had passed away. He always keeps a straight and strong look.

     He lived with a loving family, not rich but enough to keep the  family content. They didnt have a T.V. even, where it announced that  there was a virus breakout, infecting every citizen by getting bitten  from an infected person- or rather we call now, zombies. Soon  enough, there are zombies barging into their humble home. Their Father  fend them off and pursued his wife and children to leave quickly, they  obliged reluctantly with bags stuffed with resources that hopefully they  can survive with for weeks. They never saw their father again after  that.
    The remaining family managed to flee safely, taking  refuge in an empty warehouse. Their mother was angry and upset that her  husband-now assumed dead- gone and blamed it to her own children. Adam  defended his siblings from their mother's harsh words, angering the  woman even more, to the point she attempts to harm him with a  sharp knife she held. Adam manage to avoid it, but it ended up slicing  their youngest sibling- Josh's arm. Even with their mother's tantrum,  they still tried to calm her down but it did no good as she left the  warehouse with only a knife to protect herself to the horrid land.
    The siblings coped with the lost of their parents, they only have  each other now.  They survived for a few weeks. The Eldest- Finn, seemed  restless and agitated, they didnt know so they didnt bother to ask. But  soon, they woke up to see their bags open and items scattered, they  noticed that one of the siblings are missing. Adam became angry, of  course that their selfish eldest has to leave them dead. Because of now  low supply, they needed to go scavenge. Hana volunteered to do the task,  the brothers wished her luck and waited for her return, with  expectations they hope wont become true. Fortunately, Hana returned  safely, but with an exhausted expression evident on her face as she  drops her bag.
    They survived again for another week or two  longer, Hana though..she doesnt look too good. Their medicines wasnt  doing its best to get her better. Adam has become the scavenger of the  trio, knowing that Hana is too sick and Josh too young to actually  protect himself. It's been like this, an endless cycle of them  surviving. But he never expect to come back to Hana nowhere to be found  and Josh all curled up, shivering in fear.
    He found out that  Hana left while in weak state, she told Josh that she cant stay with  them any longer and wished them luck. Adam assumed that she was  infected, but he's glad that he still have Josh with him. The pair  survived again longer, but they had to move out as zombies breached to  their campsite. Adam was able to slow some with his gun, bringing his  brother and their bags to somewhere safe.
    They journeyed quite  long enough for the sun to set. The pair found a place to sleep for the  night, Adam opted to stay awake to keep his brother safe. But he cant  help to notice his brother's constant squirming and whining from time to  time, hugging his hand.
    The next day, Adam watched as his  little brother wake up, instead of happy feeling that he's still alive-  it was replaced by surprised and horrid expression as he scan his  brother's look. His skin got disgustingly paler, purple veins showing on  his arm and face. But Josh seemed confused to his older brother's  reaction. He doesnt know Adam thought. Josh asked why but he soon  noticed his wounded hand, all infected and his skin pale. He was  horrified and looked up to Adam with wide and pleading eyes. Unsure what  he should do. They have no cure. Adam didnt want to make his little  brother suffer. But his mind's suggestion was sickening but he has no  choice. 

"Josh..i promise this wont hurt.." Adam shakily whispers, he raised his gun.

"B-brother...w-what a..are you doing?" Josh asked innocently, he hoped what he's doing is notwhat he thought. His eyes swelled with tears, yet to be free.

"Josh.." Adam says softly again, his gun now aimed at his brother.

"N-No! Addie please..!" Josh screamed as he scrambled away from his brother. Tears streaming down his cheeks. He knew he was infected, but he didnt expect for his brother to give him a quicker death this fast.

"I..I..I'm so sorry baby.."Adam chokes out, tears rolling down his face. He had no choice.

He closed his eyes tight.

Josh begged.



But in Adam's mind, it's never been silent. Sadness and guilt is loud- screaming at him.

     Adam quickly moved as he expected a hoard of walkers coming to this  place after he pressed the trigger. The loud bang was enough for those  devils to follow.
    Even after all these traumatic events. He  still strives. But he didnt know why. He didnt have any other objective  other than to stay alive. It's a miracle to say that Adam is still very  much alive after a year.