


2 years, 13 days ago

Basic Info




Lotty (Lady Ysilla)


Unknown, however, because Lady Ysilla percieves and treats her as a child, she acknowledges herself as one regardless of her actual age. She appears about 12 - 14 years old.


Presents female (She/Her)


Unknown. Assumed shade, possibly a demon or fae of sorts, but to be quite honest, no one really knows.


Loyal, mindful, well-mannered. Many misunderstand her as a malicious entity due to her appearance and "silence." Truthfully, she's a lively young shade, although this side of her only really shows in front of Lady Ysilla. In front of strangers and even Lady Ysilla's lovers, she appears as a polite, well-mannered young servant, assuming she actually appears in front of them. She does her duties with the utmost perfection and does not hesitate on a single order given by Lady Ysilla.


Lady Ysilla's most loyal servant


Charlotte is mute! She cannot speak, but she can fully understand spoken language. She responds in sign language if it is known by the other person, otherwise she will respond in notecards if she cannot answer with gestures.


[Profile WIP!]


  • Most of the time, Charlotte is unseen, hiding within Lady Ysilla's shadow. Unless Lady Ysilla specifically instructs her not to, it is safe to assume that wherever Lady Ysilla is, so is Charlotte.
  • A neutral entity, neither aggressive nor friendly. However, she will quickly become hostile to any threat perceived toward Lady Ysilla.
  • She's able to attach onto anyone's shadow but also powerful enough to create a mass of shade around a large area, effectively making one "blind" in a sense.
  • Aside from a singular eye, no other features can really be seen on her. Other than that, she looks like the shadow of any normal girl, as the creeping hands aren't normally displayed.
  • The perfect servant! She often understands and does things without really needing to be told otherwise.
  • Truth be told, Lady Ysilla just wants to treat Charlotte as her own flesh and blood, but Charlotte is incredibly insistent on being recognized as her servant due to her eternal gratitude to Lady Ysilla overcoming anything else.
  • (Just a design note, the "nail polish" on her fingers her art are just to perceive where her fingers are, but in actuality, just assume she's completely a shadow/there is none!)