Lucifer D'Ambrosio



9 years, 5 months ago


"When you're outcasted, it doesn't really matter what you do, it will be wrong in the eyes of others."


Lucifer, the original demon, is a lot more tame than he appears at first.

After a fight with his brother, Micheal, he was cast out of heaven, forced into exile. A sigil carved into his back, making him unable to return to the heavens.

In a fit of rage, he created hell, and all the demons that came with it. 

After many years, he calmed himself, realizing he overreacted, only making his problems worse. He finally came to accept his fate, keeping law and order in his newfound kingdom.

Lucifer is a very calm and easy to talk to guy, though he loves to party and often acts like a frat boy more than the lord of darkness. He often invites his satanic cult following over to party/sacrifice.

He also has a huge soft spot for kittens, as they hold a special place in his heart as they have been guardians of the underworld for thousands of years.
