Idaho's Comments

yo! i hope you dont mind me asking! by any chance vvould you take offers on this fella?
(i looked around  incase it says anyvvhere you arent trading anybody but couldnt find anything so i figured id just ask)
(i acutally have a falucat design i do not use so if you're looking for svvaps i could alvvays offer them > + more characters and art/customs of any kind just lmk! links to other accounts of mine incase u vvanna look through them :]
Only off-limits on the current account im on are pillovvcase,YAYA and the dudes in the anemoia folder, and  pill and jesper in the shae design hoard folder. go vvild 

hey! so sorry i never replied. ^^ i hope you’re still interested! i’m selling this design for $40 flat if you ever decide you’d still like them!