


2 years, 25 days ago

Basic Info




Silverpaw was born in Vineclan but left to be a medicine cat apprentice in Rockclan because her sister was already a med cat apprentice in Vineclan

Mom is Morningsnow and dad was Graytail she has 4 sisters and 1 brother.

Palepelt and Whisperlily are her sisters from the same litter. Ripplestripe, Mistpool and Blueivy are her older siblings from a different litter.

Silverpaw is a very nervous cat, she has anxiety so she likes to wear lavender in her fur to help calm her down. She wasn't always so anxious, but she witnessed Bumblestar's murder when she snuck out of camp to speak with starclan one night. She fled to Rockclan in fear and has lived with them ever since. She ended up telling her family she left because she wanted to be a medicine cat and couldn't be one in Vineclan because her sister was already the med apprentice there which is true, she did want to become a medicine cat, which is why she snuck out of camp to speak to them. So in the end it seemed to work out for her but she still has nightmares about that night and feels guilty she couldn't help Bumblestar somehow.