Lyra 🌪️



2 years, 18 days ago


AGE 23
SPECIES Air Nyanarr
OCCUPATION Environmental Researcher


"I know other researchers have delved into the topic before but their research lacks key details, why? Surely the evidence wasn't that diffult to achieve? "

studious | courageous | dedicated

Design Notes

These are not optional, please include in any art!

  • Moth Wings [C]
  • Could-like Tail [C]


Lyra had always been a curious child, spending most of her days lost in thought, contemplating the wonders of the world around her. Her fascination with the Skyer mountains began when she was just a young girl, listening intently to the stories her grandmother would tell her about the plants and dragons that existed up on its peaks. She would sit for hours, listening with devout attention, dreaming of the day she would see the wonders with her own eyes. As she grew older, Lyra's passion for environmental research only intensified. She poured herself into her studies, dedicating long hours to reading, analysing, and experimenting with the world around her. Even on weekends, Lyra could be found in the lab, hunched over a microscope or pouring over data. Her work was driven by a deep-seated desire to understand the natural world.

Despite her intense focus on her work, Lyra never lost sight of her childhood dream of exploring the Skyer mountains. She yearned to see the wonders she had heard so much about, to study the unique flora and fauna that existed in such an isolated environment. And so, she made it her life's mission to make that dream a reality. Lyra threw herself into her research, dedicating countless hours to studying the ecosystems of the mountains. She scoured scientific journals and modern documents, looking for any advice she could find about the journey to Vach Shine, the peak of the Skyer mountains.

Lyra's dedication paid off. She became an expert in the flora and fauna of the Skyer mountains, publishing numerous papers on her findings. Her colleagues marvelled at her ability, but despite all her hard work, Lyra still felt a sense of longing to see the creatures she had studied for so long up close and personal.

One day, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She organized an expedition to the Skyer mountains, gathering a team of fellow researchers and experts to help her on her quest. They set out with excitement, eager to discover the secrets that the mountains held. Their journey was treacherous and filled with obstacles. They traversed rocky terrain, braved harsh weather, and faced the threat of vicious predators at every turn. But Lyra refused to be deterred. She was determined to reach Vach Shine and see the wonders she had spent her life curious about. As they climbed higher and higher, the rumours of malicious spirits wandering the paths began to haunt the expedition team. But Lyra refused to let their fears hold them back. Her close friend reassured her worries and She and her team pressed on, their determination fuelling them through the most difficult part of their journey.

Finally, they reached the peak of Vach Shine. And there, in the midst of the clouds, Lyra saw the creatures that had captivated her imagination for so long. The dragons soared above them through the skies, the sleek bodied Rhedai dashing through the air and the Jelies gentle soaring that was reminiscent of a dance mid-air left Lyra completely awestruck, her heart beating with excitement and wonder.

For Lyra, the journey to Vach Shine was the culmination of a lifetime of passion and dedication. She had achieved her dream of exploring the Skyer mountains and had seen the creatures she had longed to study up close and personal. And as she descended the mountain, she knew that her research would be forever changed by the experience. Her next goal? Investigating the Chrysenium flowers growth and to find out why Ereawis grows so far underground.


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