Bright Knight



2 years, 18 days ago


One of Twilight and Flash Sentry's kids (and Sunburst's, Moondancer's, Tempest's, and Spilt Ink's by extension), Bright Knight takes after his father. As one of the eldest of the family, he has a legacy to uphold. While not the heir to the throne, he is notable for his skills in fighting, so it was no surprise when he joined the royal guard. Everyone loved the stallion, and many mares flirted with him. He was built up to be the next Shining Armor. Many people even thought that he would marry one of Celestia's or Luna's daughters, like his uncle married the Princess of Love. 

Knight was a confident man, who knew he was the focus of many a pony. He even was often put in control of small amounts of ponies. He'd be a general soon.

Than the accident happened.

On a routine mission outside of equestria, he and his men were attacked by a wild beast. To this day he doesn't quite remember what it was. Perhaps a manticore. Either way, he saw the solders he bonded with over the years brutally slaughtered, to the point where they pain he felt from the attack didn't register. The scene was quickly found by a couple pegasi. He was taken to the hospital, as he was the only one breathing. He had to have one of his wings and legs amputated. He was covered in scars. He was told that he would never fly or be a guard again. His whole identity was ripped from him. He could never do what his cutiemark called him to do, which was fight. 

For a while he fell into a depression. He wouldn't talk to anyone, not even his parents. He had to learn to walk all over again. Instead of being a figure of awe, he was instead one of pity. They would whisper about Twilight's poor mutilated son. However, after two months of wallowing in sadness, he snapped out of it. He had to prove himself once again. His dad was nervous. He didn't want to lose him. Yet Bright Knight trained. He could no longer fly, but maybe he could still be of use as a foot solider. King Shining Armor helped his nephew learn how to strike from the earth, rather than the sky. 

Than he tried applying once again. They rejected him. He couldn't fight. This enraged him. He wasn't broken! He worked so hard to relearn everything and this is the thanks that he got? He decided to sneak off on a patrol by himself, coming across a patrol of soldiers being overwhelmed with some unreformed changelings. He couldn't lose anyone else, so he fought them all off. The leaders of the guard learned the error of their ways. Flash Sentry apologized to his son for not believing in him, and Bright Knight accepted. While not cocky, he now is still seen as a figure of awe among the citizenry, as well as a hero. He's much more lowkey and serious than before, although the ladies still like him, seeing him as a mysterious stallion. He isn't into anyone, yet anyways.