Basic Info


Nadia (Sudanese for Filled With Hope)




AFAB but with a mane.


Non Binary




Nadia has always been eager to please.
In the pride she was raised in, she would do absolutely everything that was expected of her and would always aim to help, even those who took advantage of her kindness.
But as she grew up and matured, her mane started to grow. After years of supporting her pride, they turned their back on her when she started to look different and not match their outdated concepts of gender roles.
Nadia had never really thought about her gender and the role of a female lioness in a kingdom, but seeing how others reacted to her prompted her to sit back and reflect on how she felt growing up.
Despite giving the pride far too many chances to be kind in return to her, things would never be the same again, and Nadia left to wander aimlessly through the Serengeti, hoping to find a much more supportive and open minded pride.

Nadia is very androgynous. They have a relatively small and slender frame typical for most female lions, but a shaggy and loose mane that one would see on a young male lion. Their fur is very light and pale in colour and features little spotty patterns on the rump, wrists and under the eyes, similar to those you would find on a cub.

Time Frame:
As a Lion King Fan-character, Nadia is a young adult during the end of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride.