Giulietta Dolce



2 years, 27 days ago



Giulietta Dolce

39 ✦ she/her ✦ Socialite/Infantry

"Drinks are on me tonight"


Out to have a good time, however she can get it. Doesn’t seem to have much interest in anything that can’t help with that. Luckily for the militia, the adrenaline rush of combat seems to be included along with your more standard vices. While Gigi isn’t always the most sympathetic or considerate person, she still likes people and will try to surround herself with others in a good mood. Usually solves problems by throwing money at them, including the problem of other people being sad in her vicinity. There are hints of the cultured woman she was raised to be, in her wit and her knowledge of the world, but she seems content now to devote her life to pleasure alone. 

In summary: ma’am please you are almost forty.


  • people
  • partying
  • beaches
  • flirting
  • naps
  • being cold
  • kids being sad
  • boats
  • aging
  • being quiet


Giuliana grew up the spoiled only child of a wealthy couple in Shea Shole. She was promised the best of everything - education, clothing, food, connections. At 17, however, her parents were lost at sea. The news came to her at school, and she initially left to grieve and to work with the lawyers to get everything in order. However, that was the last formal education saw of her. 

Perhaps a grieving teenager shouldn’t be given access to her fortune immediately, but Gigi was. She sought out ways to forget her loss and found that a loud, vibrant party full of strangers just about did it. And even though time eased the pain, Gigi never turned back from her path. Whether inviting her friends - and whichever interesting travelers she runs into - to dinner at her townhouse in Gratissi or for longer house parties with her current favorites in Villa Ferias, she rarely spent a day alone. But many of her companions, through age or just the world’s circumstances, grew less fun, often asking her to consider her safety with the threat of monsters growing nearer. Eventually she did, if only to get the arguments to stop, and left for Pecunia. 

Though the memory is now hazy, a run of bad luck one night drained her wallet, and sensing that she was reluctant to bet her jewelry, her opponent offered an alternative deal. Should she lose the next hand, she would enlist in the Maestras militia. The stranger's reasoning - and their face - are lost to drink, but as a "Woman of her Word" on the rare occasions she offers it, Gigi joined up.

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