
2 years, 26 days ago


//Basic Info//













-“Past reflections”, can see someone’s past by looking at their reflection on a water surface. The more “pure” said water is the clearer the vision is;
-Minor water manipulation, like changing its shape or state


Pattern-horned batch







/Blood color/




Norkah is a good-natured, curious, and friendly alkarnabi. Always up for an adventure and willing to help anyone she comes across. She has an inquisitive nature which can come off as annoying for many, but once they get to know her they learn to appreciate her quirks.







/Significant other/





When Norkah was born her parents worried she probably wouldn’t make it, fortunately, that wasn’t the case. After many rough nights, she suddenly took a turn for the better, was it their wishes and prayers? They appear to believe so, although Norkah later learned the actual reason she got better.
A spirit, more precisely, a water spirit was said to reason. It first appeared to her when she was around 10, during one of her walks along the river she saw in her reflection a strange being behind her, she quickly turned but nothing was there. She resumed her walked for a bit until she noticed it once again, but nothing still, this happened a few more times until,, -“I’m clearly not behind, am I? Yet you keep looking back”, a strange voice formed in her head, it appeared unamused, -“Uh?”, she looks around until her eyes lock on the reflection in the mirror, -“Congratulations on finding me”, the spirit uttered, “by your pace, we’d be here all week”, it mocked. -“Who are you, and why are you in the river”, she questioned.
-“You may refer to me as Nyx, and I’m not in the river, I’m merely in its reflection”, he replied
-”So you’re in my head?”, Norkah questioned as she pointed to her head
-”Close but not quite”, he takes his hand to his chin, “In simple terms, I’m bound to your soul”
-”In that phase, are we”, Nyx sights, “I guess I might as well tell you the story”, Norkah sat down as soon as she heard that word, “No need to sit, it shouldn't take that long 🤨”
-”Too late, now tell me”, she leaned forward closer to the reflection
-”Alright, but you’ll simply be getting a summary”
-”Fine by me, go on”
- “Long story short, I happened to clash with one of my hmm let's say they were a friendly rival. They were not in a good mood that day, and neither was I. We clashed and a fight ensued, unlike the other times neither held back and so we both exhausted ourselves to the point of disappearing-”
-”By disappearing you mean die?”
-”Not exactly, we spirits aren’t “alive” in the literal sense of the word”, he pondered for a bit, “although yes one could say we die if we expend all of our energy. Either way, I did not intend to leave this world just yet and so made my way through the forest until I found someone I could cling myself to until my strength came back”, he stops and turns his head to Norkah, “Unfortunately, you were the first I came across”, he pouted
-”Why the unfortunately, I’m sure there's worse out there”, she let out a hmph
-“Well you see, kids tend to have a big amount of life force, but you had so little in comparison that I almost killed you, and to make up for my mistake I had to tangle myself even more in your soul🤌🤌”
-“I see, I see”, she pulls out a small notebook and draws a checkmark over one of the lines, “And your friend, what happened to them?”
-“I assume they attempted the same as me but caused an even bigger mess”, he shook his head, “rules do exist for a reason”
- “So you’re a rule-breaker”, she says with a smug on her face
- “Child, no”, the spirit was once again not amused

After this encounter, there were many others, and eventually, Norkah learned to see Nyx outside reflections and he taught her how to use a portion of his powers as hers, she had some compatibility and talent for it but still took some time to get ahold of the basic. Surprisingly, later one she managed to summon some sort of temporary body for Nyx, it was far from the one he lost 20 or so years ago, but he was grateful nonetheless.

//Acquired through//

Writing contest