
2 years, 1 month ago


Ghoul Dabria

"Sometimes i think my life has been taken over by idiots"

Ghoul is quite mysterious, Clever, but also an idiot. He sees himself as above others but is always reminded that, yeah hes still an idiot. He doesnt like anyone else who isnt part of his family.

  • Fun Facts
  • He used to be a normal Creature.
  • Got cursed
  • Is techinically dead
  • Likes messing with life and death
  • Is in love with an idiot
  • Shapeshift
  • He can change into different forms
  • Containment
  • He was turned into a container to hold th embodiment of death which was using its power for bad
  • Magic
  • He can tap into the magic of death, but it can be very unstable
  • the gold accents are my favorite
  • his design has stayed pretty much the same
  • He was inspired by ghosts and skeletons
  • He had a human form but now they are split
  • Ooga booga he is dumb


Graveyards, Skulls, Darkforests, chains, ghold, and silver


He usually wear julery, usually on his horns fingers or nose.

Body Markings

Hes got a dark stripe on his side with some dots that spread out slightly, and his legs are a different color, his tail also has stripes.

Other Form

His other form is a shadow which can morph into any shape.


He does have an another form, he would wear dark clothing, with chains and peircings


Ghoul was at first born a mortal, looking like a wolf with chicken legs, he came from a rich family and saw himself above others. One day he decided to mess with the gods of the world, tearing down their shrines, and treating their followers like shit. He was cursed to contain the spirit of death. Death was split in two, Death itsels, and the spriit that roamed the world causing chaos.

Past as Himself

After he was cursed he was forced to say in a cave chained down by gold, after an unknown event he was set free. The gold chains melted into him and gave him his golden horns and ribs. Once he was set free he spent years learning his new body.


With his husband Cadaver the two took their dna and made children in an experiment. They used to go on missions together but decided to settle down once their weird lab babies were born. Despite beingt the smarter of the pait, Ghoul still has his moments of stupidity.

Military Fashion Show - And One