


2 years, 10 hours ago



Name Acrid
Designer Sixbane
Gender Female
ObtainedSelf created
Significant Other None
Rules None
Species Canine

RoleNuclear wasteland traveler


  • She is immune to radioactive waste!

Acrid is a devious and somewhat shady mercenary who works for the highest bidder sending her into an active radiation zone. She will absolutely do her job to the best of her ability, but don't be surprised if she blackmails you into getting what she wants or earning an undeserved higher cut of the pay. She tends to be pretty bossy and absolutely is no contact and will lash out at others who try to invade her personal space in any way. She lives alone and chases others away from her home at all costs with great aggression. 

Though she comes across as angry, she isn't entirely unreasonable, and most of this stems from wanting to keep people safe. She's seen the awful effects of radiation on others, and chasing them away keeps them from coming into contact with the radiation she interacts with often, along with chasing them away from the zone before some careless adventurer puts themselves in harms way and into the range of a potentially very unpleasant end. 

She does what she has to to get by, and she's a resourceful survivalist who is more than capable of looking out for herself. Socially, she's not the most apt, but she never wanted to be in the first place. She's content living alone and enjoying the peace and quiet a life of a virtually uninhabitable-except-herself paradise provides


  • Cras dictum vestibulum suscipit. Sed facilisis finibus sapien, ac vestibulum erat maximus vel.
  • Maecenas laoreet, enim ut ornare accumsan, ante nibh tristique ex, vitae laoreet purus mi a sapien.
  • Donec risus quam, efficitur non purus lobortis, tincidunt finibus ante. Pellentesque id congue risus.
  • Nullam egestas velit vitae purus ultricies suscipit. Nullam tincidunt eros tortor, nec placerat nunc interdum eu.
  • Curabitur eget posuere lectus.

Acrid barely remembers her family, growing up at the side of her mother and some siblings she long has forgotten and moved away from. To take care of herself, she became a mercenary-for-hire who takes commissions to go into the fallout zone of a nuclear explosion that happened years ago. It's unsafe for most people, but Acrid's immunity to radiation makes her the perfect one to delve into these old radioactive ruins in search of missing personal mementos, long lost remains, or wealth for greedy looters. She keeps a cut of the profits and even makes a home out of some of the old buildings, living in luxury and - absolute privacy. The only ones who could visit are her siblings, or scientists in heavy radiation suits though they keep a wide berth from her due to the fact she tends to be very territorial about her personal space.


  • Snack food
  • Exploring
  • Swimming in radioactive waste ("It's tingly")
  • Night time

  • Being fooled or conned
  • Being treated like a monster 
  • Seeing others suffer as a result of radiation
  • Others in her personal space

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
