


2 years, 10 days ago


The Akakuro Monastery has been around for hundreds of years, acting as an orphanage for abandoned children from all over the country. Unwanted children are regularly left on their doorstep or the local areas, and the Monastery has a policy of never turning anyone away. 


These children are then raised to become exorcists, undergoing many dangerous trials to allow them to successfully fight and stop demons. Not all children are successful in their training, with many not surviving the harsh trials. The most dangerous trial is the final step in their training, where they allow a demon to take possession of their body, but submit it under their control, to allow them access to the demonic realm and its abilities. If successful, then this allows them to then tap into the demon realm on demand, whilst also giving them the power to then subdue other demons. Those special few that do survive the trials are rewarded with the Monastery’s signature red and black uniform, tailored to be unique to the individual, which is seen as a badge of honour, earning them respect across the globe, where they are sent to investigate and deal with any reported demonic activity.