Alpine (+ others)



6 years, 4 months ago


a collection of art of my flight rising dragons!



"Sorry... what? I wasn't really paying attention...">you find the quiet dragon nestled between the roots of a tree, doodling little figures in a worn notebook. Ink stains his claws. It had taken him quite some time to realize you were standing in front of him, and he knows it. He appears quite embarrassed by this fact."Either way... welcome to Twinleaf. I'm Alpine. Used to be a ruler, now I’m just a scribe of sorts around here. Who might you be?"
Alpine finds it strange that all the known world is basically stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere. Ocean on every side beyond the land... It's scary. And dangerous. He likes to know his feet are on solid ground, the earth beneath his paws and the sky above. He's not really one for flying. Perhaps that's why he's become leader here - he's the one most known by all for staying 'down to earth', in a way.
Leading is scary. It means that no matter what, you'll never be able to please everyone. And it means most people consider you to be at fault whenever a mistake is made. Still, out of everyone in this crazy group, he's kind of glad it's him... cause he feels like in trying to help all these dragons, he's making a difference for once.
The land of ice was where Alpine grew up - and it's almost impossible to tell, if not for the snowy twinkle in his eyes whenever he smiles. As good as his life was there... he'd always felt a call to head off into the world, to find where he truly belonged. At several years of age, he set out to do exactly that.
He spent quite a few years as a mere wanderer, stopping in whatever clan would take him, before he finally moved on. Small as he was, it was easy to blend in with the crowd. He saw the best and the worst of the world... and then, finally, he found the island.
Andrath had been on her own when he arrived, another bumbling explorer ready to interrupt her peace and quiet. But he told her he was looking for a shelter from the storm, a place where dragons could live in peace, and Andrath saw a spark in him that inspired her.
Alpine took charge, he gathered dragons from all places, built a city, and made Twinleaf a town to behold. They dwell there to this day, ignoring the troubles of the outside realm as much as they can. But you can’t ignore the storm forever..


Today, Alpine's a dragon of few words, preferring to say things in his actions. He is very much lost in his thoughts half the time, though it's usually not fantasies or dreams. Instead he thinks up plans on how to make Twinleaf even better. It might be a bit obsessive, actually, how much time he sinks into planning out things for his people, but he knows it helps... and in the end, that's all he's ever really wanted.