tbn's Comments

Wait I’m so confused, they way you named the file is ‘forever homed,’ does that mean they have gone to other people? Because the way you word it makes it sound like they are yours and never ufo? https://toyhou.se/14942778.sunspot

So you have them but I put it in forever homed so other people know not to offer for those characters if that makes sense. I'm not good at explaining things 😂

But once you trade a character they are no longer yours, so I was just wondering why they are still on your th, thats all

I know there not mine😅 I just put them in "forever homed" so I know/remember that I gave that character to someone. Because I don't wanna give the character away 2 times when I already gave it to someone /nm

No but like once you give away a character they are no longer yours, so why are they still on your th?/gen ^^

So i know what character i gave away 😅 

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