
Name: Hayato Kuroki 

Age: 20

Gender: Trans Guy, He/Him  

Title: Ultimate MMA Fighter 

Birthday: March 31st (Aries) 

Orientation: Bi 

Height: 5'1" 



Persevering - Giving up is not part of Hayato's vocabulary. He'll keep going until he succeeds, no matter the setbacks and struggles. 

Courteous - Hayato is a polite and considerate sort, quick to help others and put them above himself.

Kindhearted  - Hayato's got a big heart, and he shows his love at every chance he can.


Competitive - Everything is a game or competition to Hayato, and he's gotta win - or at least do his best to do so!

Self-conscious - Hayato is well aware of himself and his flaws. He tries to fix many, but dwells on others, and, in some cases, perceives flaws that aren't even there.


Escapist - Hayato does not respond well to unfortunate circumstances, instead denying their existence and distracting himself with whatever he can. If he ignores it, it'll go away.

Impatient - Hayato is not a fan of waiting, and grows testy when he has to do so. His mind wanders, and that only makes things worse.

Doubtful -  Though kind, Hayato is in no way naive. In fact, he doubts the intentions of others until they've done something that "proves" their goodness in his mind. Until then, who knows if they'll stab him in the back? Better safe than sorry.


 Hot Springs - "They're so good….nothin' hits quite like them ever. Try it after a workout, it's like heaven!"

Farmers Markets - "I like seeing what people have to offer, an' helping out if I can. You always find cool things and neat people."

Keeping old Tickets - "I….I like holding onto the memories. Having some kind of physical token of them. Is that sappy? That sounds sappy."


Fizzy Drinks - "Not a pleasant experience."

The Sound of a Clock Ticking - "It makes me anxious. Like I'm actively losin' time or….something."

Puppets - "What's that thing called? Uncanny Valley? Yeah, puppets fall in that for me. Weird little guys."


[Surface Level] Trypophobia -


design note - the bright purple is not his natural hair color, instead being dirty blonde. In some cases, these roots can be seen.