
6 years, 5 months ago


A vampire who can't seem to die, even if he tried. The sun, garlic, crosses, a stab to the heart, decapitation. Nothing seems to work. But he can still feel pain. He hates hunters that keep following him around. It's endless how many visit him a day. He only likes the brawls he gets out of the encounters. His latest interest is attending a Japanese high school as a delinquent. He gets his blood supply illegally from a blood bank nearby. His name back in France was Liam Baptiste, meaning power or sacrifice, and the last name was in honor of a baptist he met once. He likes to hang out in abandoned church buildings quite often. His current name in Japan is Gisei, people like to nick name him Gin. Gisei also means sacrifice. When he was born, he wasn't given a name, so his name just keeps changing. He can't seem to figure out why names are important anymore. He fights hunters with his katana, which is hidden within his umbrella sleeve. Though he's lived so long, he can't seem to do good academically, maybe he's spaced out too much during his years alive. So he has an omamori charm for good luck. It makes him embarrassed when people make fun of him for his bad grades. He's good at socializing when he's feeling up to it. But he's quite unforgiving and can be quite stubborn. He's getting used to being alone, because of him being so stubborn, but it doesn't matter. All the people he knows will die eventually, so what's the point? Kirima is the little spirit on his shoulder, little guy follows him everywhere. Gin has gotten used to him being on his shoulder. Doesn't mind it. Likes to read manga, and steal money from people who looks stuck up. His favorite drink is blood, straight from the hospital bags. 悪 - on his glove means 'evil' 吸血鬼 on his shirt looks like a talisman and it means 'vampire', but the 血 ( meaning blood) was made to look like a middle finger. (Thank u Pai Pai ; )