
2 years, 19 days ago




stubborn speed demon that goofs off a lot!! the goofy ahh fella

he typically lives in teh sky kingdom with the other stardrops but he has a job as a delivery guye the often requires hiem to leave which he doesn't mind! he doesn't like to stay in one place for too long.. he just cannot sit still!!! he is also super duper speedy fast and loves to show it off...

he also enjoys attention especially from social media sooo sometiems you'll see hiem on his phoen alo t.... he tends to be on his phone in the dark, close to the screen sometimes which has slightly damaged his eyes... he'll struggle to see if he's trying to see smth really small or far away or if he just- stares at smth for too long but he often shrugs this off. although he'll prolly haev his goggles on to where you prolly wont be able to tell

he lovess silly things and joeks around a lot.. sometiems itts a litol hard for hiem to take certain things seriously

ermm he likess flying super fast, mint oreos, social media clout, mobile video games (his favorite being skullgirls), loud music, rap battles, his job, turtles, birds, andd among us help

his favorite song is the caramelldansen!!! will instantly start dancing if he hears it..

he does not likee being bossed around, stayng in one place, closed/small spaces, waiting, mornings, chewy food that get stuck in his teeth, bees, and smoke

(he is a closed species... do not maek a stardrop unless if you like.. have a myo.. or smth..)unknown.png