
2 years, 25 days ago


Dr. Vic Vondine (Vonfang)


Half human / wolf demon

In the beginning he was Nothing more than a scientist he didn’t really care for magical practices he preferred more normal methods he always had a very whimsical air about him loves to make people laugh loves to see them smile and I guess you could say that’s how he met his wife she fell in love with this goofy side of him as well as being a scientist her self they got along very well though she typically like the more magical side of scientific study but that didn’t bother him because he loved her and all of her little quirks a few short Years later they were married they spent a couple years and marriage still going after their exploits in science and scientific study but they bought a very large abode on the edge of unexplored woodlands they both love the woods they love the idea of being the first ones to go into the set of woods and no one‘s ever been before and so they always made a point to search the woods together well during one escapade into the woods they came across two wolf cubs they didn’t seem out of place they just seemed like they were lost they were very small barely even starting to open their eyes so they decided to take them in and raise them as their own they don’t know what happened to the mother they had just assumed that the mother had gotten killed some how and so over the next year they raised them but then as they got older they started to notice something very strange they both had strange markings on their bodies one was a white wolf and she had red markings on her fur in this very odd glow the markings had a faint glow but the most noticeable of all was like from within they glowed the white one with glow red her tongue her nostrils sometimes even her eyes the other a male was black black as the darkest night you would ever see and bears blue markings they were dark very well pronounced and he too had a glow but his was of a deep neon blue that’s when the doctor and his wife discovered out that they weren’t normal wolves they were actually demon wolves so contrary to popular believe they were not evil because they were raised to be good the female was named she wolf and had formed a connection with the wife the male named black fang he formed a strong bond with the Doctor No one harmed their masters they were extremely protective but gentle with those who were safe the people that they knew their children are often play with them and they knew that their kids were safe but most of all is how protective they were of their masters

later on during an incident the doctor had forgotten to put on his goggles on  in an experiment and it backfired it would’ve almost cost him his vision he would’ve been able to see but barely his wife found him laying on the ground unconscious it was quick for to figure out what happened she always had to tell him that he needed to wear his goggles Which he would always respond with yes dear I know but this time he didn’t listen she quickly went to him and tried to wake him up before she could black fang stepped forward and nudged her away at first she was confused but she did as he requested black fang stuck the left side of his face next to the doctor and you could hear an audible yelp come from him thin he moved away walking over to the other side of the room not letting the wife or she wolf see his face and sat facing the wall soon after the doctor woke at first he started rubbing his eyes like my my eyes what happened then he open them and his wife made an expression of shock his eyes were no longer their normal color they were a dark neon blue similar to black fangs The doctor not realizing what had happened why she was surprised he called out to black fang saying come here boy I know you’re here please come here black fang hung his head but he came over to doctor then he looked up the doctors wife started to well up in tears as she realized that black fangs left I had gone black he could no longer see out of it black fang had given his left eye so that the doctor could continue to see now realizing this the doctor burst into tears he asked black fang why would you do that why would you give up your eye for me but he already knew the answer because black fang would stop at nothing to protect him and the same went for his wife and she wolf so from this point forward when the doctor would go out in the public he would keep a bandage over his eyes though he could see just fine even with the bandage he didn’t want to scare people not understanding why, roughly a year later the doctors wife had started to mess with transmutation The doctor didn’t know she was messing with such things during her experiment it backfired she tried to go to far the doctor came home and she was nowhere to be found the only thing left is any evidence was a transmutation circle she wolf had also disappeared.

he knew that it had to do something with the Transmutation circle so he began to study relentlessly trying to find her also delving into Arcane arts to see if it could provide some answers But he too had went to far just as she had and caused a Temporel rift in the house and everything around him was getting sucked in Sensing danger black fang tried to save him but that was a mistake black fang already knew what had to be done black fang gave up his life as he knew it once again sacrificing for the doctor so the doctor could live but now the doctor has a constant reminder of his mistake when black fang gave up his life it fused the both of them together causing the doctor to take on the appearance of black fang even though he could still walk and talk just like any normal person he has now become a half human half demon and now he has no one the one thing he has is to find out if his wife is still alive and if so where she had gone, even though all these bad things of happened in good memory he continues the goofy whimsical personality that his wife Fell in love with he doesn’t like scaring people he wants them to laugh he doesn’t want them to be sad for him just to understand he made mistakes and he has to live with the consequences and seek deeper knowledge of transmutation and arcane arts