Morgan's Comments

Saw that I can also buy them for money so would u possibly take $5??? can addon some art too if you like ^^ (if you take paypa; atleast) (i also really like and can do $10 for them too) i aboustley LOVE your desgins

Hey there, thanks for checking my stuff out and for being so nice! That sun wolf is definitely for sale and 10$ would be awesome but it’s up to you :] currently there’s you and one other person interested in buying this design so I’ll have to talk to them too, but I’ll get back to you ^^ feel free to DM me if I forget

yeye I can def do thhe $10 for sun wolf ^^

Faved both this and the other guy! But iughfiud so beautiful!

Although if I may ask, how more or less money would you be looking for this fella? I'd feel bad to offer too little even if you wrote 'any amount' since it's-- so pretty? I'm kinda limited but maybe I could muster something.

Thanks for asking! Since the fishy boy comes with an extra piece of art if you buy it with money, I’d say something like $5+? But since it’s a free raffle I don’t want to charge too much. Thanks for offering and lmk if you’re still interested! 

Oh, I'm sure still interested! I could pay 7$ for this fella in this case. Aand smth I forgot to ask, by what would you take payment? Like, you know, paypal perhaps? I'm still new to 'paying online' world so I only know how to use this one lol