Sweetpea Morningstar



2 years, 16 days ago


Species: Ink demon

Gender: Non Binary

Height/Weight: 1ft 12lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual

Birthdate: April 13th (year unknown, probably around 1920)

Age: Maybe around 100???

Zodiac: Aries

Status: Single

Theme song: World's Smallest Violin - AJR

Voice headcanon: TeaSweet13

Favourite quote: "Howdy doodie!!"

Personality: Childish, goofy, creative

Nicknames: Beanie, Bea, Little one, Kiddo

Likes: Drawing, bees, candy, moths, music, cake, curry, hugs, sweet peas (the flower), frogs, ferrets, Sanrio

Dislikes: Birds, loud noises, arguments, any place that has living things for sale, heels, make-up, small spaces, feeling afraid to speak up, horny people (family is an exception but they're on thin ice)

Other: This is one of my personas! You are allowed to draw gore art if you so wish.

Info: Sweetpea grew up in Hell's black market as a product. Their only purpose was to be used by old demons to make them look young and fresh thanks to their regeneration in their skin. They hated it, every second of it but stayed at the black market until one day, they decided to run away. They ran and ran, away from the market to a safer place, they wanted to be safe. While they ran, they tripped over their own foot and braced for ground, but they felt a wall hit them... They weren't in hell anymore, they were in the overworld, they didn't know how they did it or what happened, but they kept running. Sweetpea just didn't want to get hurt anymore. After running for god knows how long, a group of people found Sweetpea and decided to look after them, at first they were unsure about being with other people but as time went on they got more comfortable and eventually got attached to everyone in the group. In that group, Sweetpea felt happy, they felt loved, they felt safe and they loved that group like it was their own family.