Mele's Comments

Mele is an outwardly aggressive mermaid, whose emotions tend to control her more than common sense. She despises humans due to her near fatal experience with the explosion of a human ship. When her scars are mentioned she becomes very defensive and refuses to tell others about it. She has extremely sensitive skin to detect currents, which results in a hatred of being touched without permission. Mele tends to spend time with dangerous sirens to look tough and intimidating. She sometimes sings with them and is very talented at it. She also enjoys reading romance novels and watching rom-coms as a guilty pleasure.

I really love sharks and characters related to them, and I would like to have her interact with more mermaids that belong to a friend and I!

I will transfer her to you later! You do have to change the name though! 

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!!

Hello! I'd love to try for this one, don't see many shark-based mermaids and I think she Would be awesome to draw.

I would maybe change her name if something came to mind, and her personality would be very true to a sharks. She would be very curious and playful, fun to be around, and a little blunt due to naivety. At the scent of blood she would become an uncontrollable savage beast and eff stuff up until either the bloodlust passed or she quelled her hunger. She could be triggered by other things, like rage and righteous indignation, but that savagery is controlled and not quite as chaotic as the bloodlust, though it is just as deadly.

Edit: whoops, forgot to ping BlackOutBullets