


2 years, 29 days ago


- Name means "My neck is god"

- He/them

- Fond of crystals and likes blue shades

- He is the "leader", the one who comes up with ideas most of the time

- Looks like wouldn't cause trouble at first glance, but does

- He is a good angel I swear, just quite the explorer and likes to test boundaries a lot

- They like exploring, testing boundaries that others don't test and doesn't usually dare to because ahem gets caught and it is not what their mentors want them doing

- Even if he has gathered bit of "a bad rep" for his chaotic antics with his friends, he is a generous angel even if others don't pay attention of hil doing something good only focused on when they are going to do something dumb again that needs superiors involved with it,,, just not often since it is harmless fun

- Usually when older angels get involved, he is the runner, he is fast at running even if it leads to him being the main target to catch- but also means his friends gets to flee in their own way

- A complete mystery how hot Eurythimia to join in, I mean look at her, she likes to be seen as a good angel and not get into trouble. She just got lured in to try few times and now tags along even if still doesn't admit likes being lil rebellious now than follow the rules all the time

- Maybe broad-minded, isn't after all against of angel ideals/standards even if he is pushing those with his behaviour

- A freedom loving angel

- Is young angel, full grown sure but not full fledged (under 100 years old)

- Has a some sort of collection of crystals, is picky with them since likes clear, white or blue colored crystals. Just looks more appealing to him, don't judge him

- We updating this bitch too, Seraphita is his mentor boom, decided on that and it is one hell of a mentor and pupil duo especially since Orifiel is a lot to handle at times

- Been thinking perhaps his parents dropped him off to Creation (cause caregiver/taker since hardly is needed as a hunter nowadays) Creation knew from day one Orifiel likes causing mischief which was toleratable yes but his original guardians did not know how to handle it so well and were overall busy so handing him to caregiver was only option,,, Creation believes Orifiel causes mischief and trouble till this day simply out of feeling of abandoned and neglected by his actual guardians which led him to seek attention through mischief as a way to cope with the emotional void,,, even if had Creation there watching over him and giving needed guidance until Orifiel was handed to a mentor,,, Oh well Orifiel does not talk about since moves on forward

- Oh he is one of those few rare angels that does still go see Creation that have been watched over by the gentle archangel, and since now and then sees Olympia there too likes to annoy her quite a bit even if it results into brawling match and him losing against her, always, even if thanks to those brawls he has gotten slowly better

- Likes his mentor's tail feathers, they look fun, maybe little odd yes since he swears has not seen other angels with such feathers,,, likes to touch them even if it annoys Seraphita at times how grabby he is

- Is very used to Seraphita's resting bitch face or just overall how much she does not smile, and knows she does not like being touched by people,,, Orifiel knows so far that Seraphita does allow contact with those she knows well enough and just does not feel disgusted by those people if is touched by them... Honestly, Orifiel finds it odd and puzzling since how can someone really dislike that much of contact? Or maybe just keeps emotional distance away from a lot of people since sees it as a distraction? He isn't sure

- Few times has scared Virgil when was least expecting to get spooked out of the blue, first time around was unintentional and didn't mean to but the way Virgil screeched like a parrot was enough to encourage to make it as harmless habit- well doesn't do that too often or Virgil will be expecting Orifiel is going to jump out of somewhere and catch him off guard- he shouldn't do that to his friend's mentor, he knows, respect your elders and so on,,, But he can least pull on that prank once a month