[🍄] Vee



1 year, 11 months ago


A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.


Gender Female

Pronouns She/her

Age 19

Birthday May 23rd

Sexuality Lesbian

Occupation Veterinarian

Species Cat


Vivamus sed sem arcu. Donec tincidunt commodo lacus ut euismod. Donec sed molestie mauris. Vestibulum vestibulum neque sit amet lorem suscipit, in maximus metus semper. Vivamus quam sem, porta ut tortor vitae, finibus accumsan tellus. Aenean semper felis massa, nec luctus mi tincidunt et. Donec auctor, urna quis dignissim volutpat, dui quam suscipit massa, sed mollis mi felis a mauris. Aenean a leo malesuada, sollicitudin risus et, semper est. Duis sollicitudin, eros ac euismod tempus, tellus odio hendrerit mauris, eget bibendum urna sapien placerat augue. Vivamus ultricies justo id lorem hendrerit consectetur. Nam sit amet molestie turpis. Donec id ultrices ex.


Height 5"3

Weight 100 LBS

Eyes Orange

Fur Color White

Hair Color Grayish-Tan

Aesthetic content

Alignment Lawful Neutral

Design Notes

  • content
  • content
  • content


Vee grew up in a very small community, everyone knew each other. Well that’s what everyone would say. Vee lived with her mother and father. Her mother never supported her interest, sometimes threatening her for her interest. Vee’s father was away most of the time due to him serving in the marines.

Vee’s mother had control of her most of her life. Her mother forced her persue the medical industries, even though she wanted to be an Veternarian. Vee soon moved away some where else to avoid her mothers torment.

Her mother introduced her to Cerberus, hoping they’d start dating. Her mother saw nothing wrong with this as she assumed her Daughter was straight. Vee never told her mother she wasn’t, as her mother typically talked down about anything other than straight. She dated him for a while to keep her mother satistfiyed, even though she was verbally abused when she did something “wrong”

Her and Cerberus Soonly drifted apart, he stopped making appearances, and she assumed they were done. She didn’t mind this, as it gave her more time to focus on school and gave her one less headache.


  • Reading Books
  • Recording Plant Growth
  • Animals
  • Rainy Weather
  • Cooking


  • Confrontation
  • Failure
  • Hurt Animals
  • Violence
  • Eclipse's Shedding Problem


Vee is a very nice cat, doing almost anything to help someone. Even if they’ve wronged her. She believes everyone should receive kindness even if they aren’t the best. She can be pretty shy, but once you get to know her she’s pretty open and expressive. You can never catch Vee in a bad mood. She can be pretty closed when it comes to emotion, she tries her hardest to be open yet she can’t push herself to do so.

You’d usually fine her either at home reading a book or catching up with homework or playing tennis or volleyball at the community center. Due to taking in Eclipse she has to spend more time at home then anywhere else. She doesn’t regret taking in Eclipse, not one bit. Though she wishes she could trust Eclipse to not burn down her house.

She’s extremely patient with Eclipse, when she first moved in with her. Eclipse was pretty out of it, not knowing much about normal life. Vee had to teach her pretty much everything about life, from making meals to driving a car. It’s quite irritating to do that for others, but for Vee, she finds it a fun challenge!


  • She's Asian-Hispanic.
  • She has been diagnosed with anxiety.
  • She is a bit of a perfectionist.
  • She is more of a morning person.
  • She's not a very social person. She'd prefer to stay in than go to a party.

Bruno Major - Nothing

Her girlfriend, She'd do anything for her. She's extremely protective of her.

She loves him to death, her best friend!
